Oronogo, MO

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Louisville, KY
# of dives
25 - 49
Anybody dove Bluewater recently? I am wanting to get away for a weekend for our upcoming anniversary we both have a bad case of wanting to dive. With all the rain we have gotten the past week or 2, I am sure most lakes are just oversized mudholes.
Anybody dove Bluewater recently?

We were there on the April 14th through the 16th...The water was down about 10feet, but the vis was great. Surface temp 68 degrees, temp at depth I think was like 52 degrees, something like that.
I was there saturday and sunday, and the visibility was not great either day. Around the platforms and the plane the visiblity was about 12 feet. Once you got down to the first level at around 85' it cleared up a little bit probably to 15' of visiblity. It seemed to be consistent at the second level around the computer at about 125'. Once you dropped over that ledge to the bottom to a max depth of 183' you lost all surface light. There were a lot of particulates in the water (more than usual) which affected the visiblity.

I learned if you go on Mother's Day weekend you will have the place all to yourself.
Ten Dollars a day and I had a set of 108's filled for $12. Generally the warmer it gets the better the visiblity becomes below the thermocline. Oh I forgot the temp at depth is always a balmy 48 degrees no matter what time of year.
Jethroish make sure and report what the conditions are like if you end up going. Thanks!
Actually, the lakes are really looking good right now. Spent the last 2 weekends at Table Rock and was rewarded with viz of 15 ft. above the thermocline and a whopping 30+ ft. below the thermocline. Thermocline shifting, but somewhere in the 35-50 ft. depth range. 63 F above the thermocline and 50 F below it.


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