Oriskany Sinking Today (May 17th)

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from http://www.pensacolanewsjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060517/NEWS01/60517002

UPDATE 11 a.m.: Oriskany has sunk
Larry Wheeler

11 a.m.: Oriskany has sunk. The last tip of the Oriskany's hurricane bow disappeared into the Gulf at approximately 11 a.m., approximately 36 minutes from the first explosions, a far cry from the five hours engineers originally estimated it would take for the ship to go down.

It went down stern first, not the way the Navy engineers had hoped. They had hoped for an even settling. It is not yet known what effect the awkward sinking will have on the final disposition of the carrier on the Gulf floor.

The hundreds of spectator boats surrounding the carrier marked the sinking by sounding their horns.

As the carrier went down, its bow stuck up, straining the heavy metal anchor lines. The port side bow line appeared broken early in the process. Clouds of debris could be seen billowing from the hangar deck, and water churned and bubbled heavily at the submersion point. Towlines strained at the bow.

The 50-foot boat with the explosive generator and electronics gear appeared intact on the flight deck surface. The boat was expected to float away from the carrier after the Oriskany was fully submerged.
wonder how long it'll take the navy divers to see how she settled on
the bottom?
I think CNN was using the Pensacola WEAR channel 3 camera for its pipeline feed. Once the ship was out of view it shut off.

Now I have what is probably a stupid question. How long will it take for the fishes and other critters to realize they have a new development in town and start taking up residency? Do they have fish real estate agents / developers that promote the new condo? And hve they disclosed all the possible latent defects that might impact the value of the new home (oops sorry that's the motion I'm drafting.)
The fish will move in today like was said, but it will take months/years for it to be "fully habitated".

Assuming that she landed like they wanted it to, the lfight deck will be about 130 feet. The top of the island about 65 feet. (of course a ship this big will settle in the sand some).

See attached graphics for site.
Thirteen years ago we placed the galveston county/conoco structure next to the V. A. Fogg By the time I rolled off the boat with the TV Reporter Schools of amberjack surrounded it. Less than 10 minutes. The growth on it now is awesome
I she doesn't roll on her side

I've been trying to get back in contact with two different people I know that are out there, but their cell phone coverage that far out is not the best. They are listening over the VHF radio to what the Navy's saying about the wreck.

I imagine that the Navy will know within the hour on how it sits on the ocean floor.

edit: Here are two more pics of her. One about the time the charges were blown and another as she was "stern down" and "bow up" right before she went under.

Looks to me like it's trying to roll to it's Starboard side. (I hope not)

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