Orcas & Humpback Whales In Costa Rica

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This is from Bill Beard still living and diving in Costa Rica since 1970. FYI We sighted and photographed 17 Orcas and 10 Humback whales so far in March. Some photos on April newsletter coming up. There is a video below and on my April newsletter by Nadine and Robbie. Good stuff
Water was colder this year than past and I finally had to get a five mm but it's warm now, vis about the same 20 to 50, good manta ray season even on local dives and the Cats.
Best regards and good diving,

See this video by Nadine & Robbie, Good Stuff: Costa Rica Whales : Online Video | Veoh Video Network

Bill Beard's Costa Rica
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Well hello and welcome to the board. :)

Edit: Okay just watched that video. That was absolutely amazing. I missed my trip this year... Gosh I can't wait to go back - even more so now.
Thanks for this wonderful little movie! Even on video they make my heart beat faster...but I can't complain, being a whale-watching guide is part of what I do here in Costa Rica!
I profit of the occasion - not to advertise - but to get some opinions (yes, as I earn money with the whales, I allow myself occasionally to play the "police").
Whale-Watching is legally regulated since quite some time in Costa Rica, but the rules are still not respected, even by me under certain circumstances...
These are some of the rules:
- no swimming with Whales
- do not change your boat speed suddenly
- do not approach Whales closer than 200m/yards
- do not move your boat faster than the slowest individual
- approach from behind
- never put the boat between individuals of a group or in front of their moving direction
- never more than 3 boats with a group, the first arrived has to leave as soon as there is a 4th vessel approaching (well, respect each other...)
Does anybody think this is non-sense? I know you don't! So please continue admire and protect these wonderful creatures and tell your boat crew and guides to respect these rules. Breaking the law is one thing, but please, DO NOT TIP THEM FOR DISRESPECT OF THE WHALES!

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