Hi All,
I am a newbie UK Diver, but from what I have read *and* from listening to boat skippers, here in the UK they basically expect an orange SMB for a typical/normal ascent. I think it is worth bearing in mind that <6 ft vis can be typical on the South East Coast of England so a "return to shot" dive can easily become "what shot?". There are buddies of mine who have probably deployed an orange SMB for every one of their last 100 dives or so. (I'm so new I don't know what a hundred dives look like - so dont ask me!!!!).
So yes, here in the UK (whilst not a formal standard by any means) it is usually Orange for 'A-Okay' and yellow for 'A-Oh need help'. Should you ever send up an Orange and Yellow on the same line that would be 'A-Oh dear God I'll be there in a minute'.
(sorry, too new to post a link you'll have to cut and paste)
As I said earlier though this is not a standard by any means, I personally choose to include discussing with the skipper/cover as part of the pre-dive brief what the different colour SMB means to me and them, so we both know what to expect.
What I found most worrying on a recent dive holiday to Malta, whilst preparing for a shore dive into (and below the boats of) Marxamset Harbour, was asking the dive guide "if I have to pop an SMB in there, will the boats understand what it means (ie diver below)?".
"I don't know" was the answer. Scarey, very, very scarey.
I don't think it matters what colour we choose to use, as long as the people above us understand what it means. I would be horrified to think that yellow vs red had different meanings in different parts of the world. I don't care if we agree on green or pink - as long as we all agree on it. Even more important than our 'diver aware' boat cover knowing what the colour means is that the pleasure boaters, jet ski-ers etc, not thinking that an SMB is part of their race course.
To that end, there is a fairly active group of people over here in the UK that make a point of putting up notices on harbour and marina noticeboards.... to try to inform the pleasure boaters of what an SMB looks like and what it might mean to them (ie keep away). (Can't find a link... sorry!).
So with regard to SMB colours....
- it needs to be agreed upon and IMHO become a standard
- scientific testing of the visibility of different coloured SMB and visual surface signals has been done. Those findings should be taken into account when agreeing (1)!
For point two above .. you yanks already messed up the size of a gallon, maybe we shouldn't let you get too involved with SMB colours

Dive Safe,