He is mined and not recoverable from the atmosphere, we should not be using it unless there is a need. clear headed at 100ft? seriously I never had a problem with being so clouded at that depth that it made any difference on the dive for safety or enjoyment. it is obviously possible to dive to 190 on air and no I do not want to discuss it other than it is possible to do.
I will take your word for it that there is a large difference between 130 and 190ft of open water, I also was told there was a large difference between 60 and 130 and that only the AOW would qualify me to go to these dangerous depths without training.

I did not find that to be true and I did not find the one dive to 100ft in the AOW all that interesting or enlightening. ( I had done several dives to 100ft already but dont tell the scuba police).
I would like to see a course that covered the distance between Recreational diving and recreational deep diving (called tech). Ie cover the differences in the breathing gas, the differences in the tables, the deco schedules and tools, the gas switching and planning. the caveats with He, and the O2 issues. then have people do a few(10?) dives to say 150 or 170 with supervision. then maybe issue a temporary learners permit, where they must have full cert buddies, after 20-50 or so deep(140+) dives it converts to a full cert.
Why do we teach to the lowest common denominator. recreational tech is at most advanced diving and the people that do it can be screened for the badge collectors and the rest of us that take it seriously and have done our homework and more than 50 or so deepish Rec dives should be able to be given the tools to do it safely and set free. Do I really need to spend 3k on training to learn something that was learned by trial and error in the last 20ish years. I read the TDI books and learned nothing I did not already know, not picking on the TDI books, if I was straight out of OW with 20 dives they would have been a lot to digest. Dont we have to have 100 dives and basic nitrox to even consider the intro level courses? is it assumed we learned nothing in that time?
had my

and it did not help sorry for the rant. I am very interested in continuing on the Tech path after I finish my IDC, I sort of understand the go slow and pay your dues part of this, but I really could digest all I need to know about safely diving to 190 in one course, I have Spear fishermen that constantly claim to have been to 200ft regularly with no training at all (no need to express concern it is just a fact of life for them).