Has anyone used dive paradise or stayed at hotel cozemel all inclusive? I got a pretty decent price quoted for the dive and stay package
Yes, but it was several years ago, on the ScubaBoard Cozumel Invasion, July 2012. Here are my thoughts: Hotel - I liked Hotel Coz, nice place, big, comfortable rooms, great pool area, convenient location - not a bad walk into Downtown. BUT I would never again do the All-Inclusive option -- in my opinion, the food was TERRIBLE. Monotonous, bland, without either flavor or variety. I am a foody, and my standards are higher than a lot of folks, but I have no problem finding food that I really like at a great many Cozumel Restaurants. Dive Paradise as a Dive Op - not my cup of tea, but acceptable. BUT be very careful to know exactly what you are getting with any "stay and dive" package with Dive Paradise. It is my understanding (from other posts, not personal experience) that Dive Paradise has two different levels of service - the "new diver" service, on big slow boats, that only go to the shallower reefs toward the northern end of the Marine Park, and the "experienced diver" service, with faster boats that go to all of the southern reefs. If you do a "stay and dive" package with a very good price, chances are that you'll get the newbie dives and miss a lot of the better dive sites, and if you want to get on the better boats, they'll upcharge you for the privilege. Personally, I'd happily stay at Hotel Cozumel again, but NO on the AI option, and I'd use my own favorite Dive Op, Aldora, which will happily pick you up at the Dive Paradise pier. Or go with Blue XTSea, Tres Pelicanos, Living Underwater, or any of the other highly recommended Dive Ops.