Open heel or full foot

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I have not used full foot fins in years. I was lucky enough to get a pair of Mares Avanti Tres that fit me perfectly. The foot pocket fits me perfectly and therefore no slipping or sliding around my feet means very efficient transfer of energy. It also means no booties to clean out and wait to dry.

I love the convenience and efficiency. I still have my OH fins (Mares Plana Avanti) that I have not used since I moved to the Philippines.

The only time I missed my OH fins was when some divers and myself were on a drift dive and our boat started following the wrong set of bubbles. We came up and could not find the boat. We swam to a nearby island to wait for the boat. The rocky beach entry with sea urchins and jagged rocks were a real hassle. Actually, I guess I missed the boots not the full foot fins.

Either one will work as long as the whole system is the best fit possible. boot + OH foot pocket or bare foot + full foot pocket. Fit is the most important consideration when getting set-up.
When I learned to dive back in the UK during the 1960s, open-heel fins were targeted at children and people who couldn't afford full-foot fins. We were encouraged back then to purchase two pairs of full-foot fins, one to wear barefoot and the other with foot pockets one or more sizes larger to wear with booties. I've always worn full-foot fins when snorkelling and I still wear them, over booties, when I snorkel in the cold waters of the North Sea. Some full-foot fin models, e.g. closed-heel Biofins, are even designed to be worn over boots rather than barefoot.

This represents my personal choice and I certainly won't advocate others following suit. We all must make an individual choice when it comes to fins. There's no "universal" fin on the market that will meet everybody's wants and needs. First and foremost, fins must fit, not only in terms of foot length, but also foot breadth and arch height as well. I'm very fortunate to have found several pairs of full-foot fins that accommodate my foot dimensions exactly, meeting all my criteria in terms of comfort and efficiency.
lizto, your feet are probably too large for the FF fin of the types I listed. Back in the day, most SCUBA divers used the Cressi Rondine FF fin. It was a big improvement over the Owen Churchill fin. When the military dropped the OC and adopted Art Brown's Duckfoot many of us followed suit. We took our lumps wading through rough bottom and many divers started using boots along with primitive wetsuits. This was not a problem for fitting of most fins as divers (and their feet) were smaller in stature than today. Also, the OH Duckfoot came in what were very large sizes for that time. Even when diving tropical seas I came to appreciate booties or slippers while wearing any type of fin. As I did a lot of freediving the slipper type of fin became second nature as the shift from Duck Feet to Cressi long fins was under way. When SCUBA diving I found that long fins were too clumsy for diving around structure especially where the diver had to do quick maneuvers in confined spaces between reefs and around wrecks. For SCUBA I now use the Biofin OH split fin. Lately, I have been free diving with the Avante Tre (Superchannel type) at depths down to 60 feet where the type of game and bottom structure require agility without sacrificing speed. I am also considering going back to this type of fin for SCUBA. The FF is lighter and travels well. All this takes me back to your question. It appears that your feet are too large to fit a channel type FF fin and bootie. However, if your foot is not too wide it might be possible to get into the XXlarge Superchannel over a 2 mm slipper. Divebooty has the best selection but their website seems to be down. Why all this effort to discuss FF fins? Well, tests done over the past five years are indicative that some FF fins can produce higher thrust and speed over others. Why is this important? Well, even a 0.1 mph advantage can save a divers life. The FF Superchannel has a 0.2 mph edge on the fastest OH fins ever tested (to my knowledge, but I've read a lot of test data). By the way, many of the "channel" designs are also made in OH including the Mares.

Well, we heard from Dave regarding the Apollo Uni slipper fin (split fin) and it has shown improving test data lately. I don't know what's changed but they seem to be better than they were. The foot pockets are larger than some. However, the FF fin, the FF-9 made by Tusa, I think, might be faster. Jim Grier's work with this one showed good results. Again, it goes back to the available sizes. I don't know all the ins and outs of size with most fins, just the ones that I and my friends use.

You never said what coast you are on, assuming west? Depending on latitude the water can be pretty cold off the west coast so depending on your type of diving, the depths and temperatures involved, depending on shore dive or boat dive, you can make your selection accordingly.
If you can find a pair of the full foot Mares Avanti Superchannel that fits correctly, I'd highly recommend them. I used open heel fins for years and still do when I go to Bonaire because of the shore diving we do there. But for everything else, I use the fins mentioned above. They are lighter to travel with (which may not be an issue for you) and perform as well if not better than my Scubapro fins. I know at one time the full foot fins were thought of as just for snorkeling but times have changed. The Mares fins I mentioned above beat out all other fins they were tested against including open heel fins costing more than twice as much.

really.......let tell all the DM & instructors I know that have a minimum of 3000 dives each they are doing it all wrong................To the OP, either one will work, just fine.....IMO.......
Let me issue a correction. If as a diver, there is any possibility that you will ever shore dive or dive in a location which might require boots than you want open heel. Really though you should try both if possible and then decide based off of comfort. My vipers have a pirhana mfg spring strap and I wear them with 5mm boots and don't think it could possibly be more comfortable or reliable. Even when diving in warmer places most NE divers I know prefer to use their open heels and a thinner bootie or sock.
What's the problem ? GET BOTH.

When you go to Coz wear the full foot fins of the boat. Lighter and easier to travel with. When you go to Bonaire, gotta have hardsole boots and open heel fins. What are you guys doing with all your money anyway? Your supposed to be spending it on diving:D
Say Litzo, I'd definitely have replied earlier on to stick up for full foots, but I see you've had plenty of people to make a good case for them now. For tropical diving, especially if you're traveling by air, I'd certainly go that way. The only thing I can add is to be certain about fit. I tried the Mares fins recommended to me but the foot pocket shape was just wrong for my feet. I settled for Atomic splits and love them, and that's not just for the fit.
While I agree with the others about getting more use of the open heel, it really depends on you. The open heals give you more versitility. Then again you may find that you only want to do warm water diving.

But if you think that there is the slimmest chance that you may do some cold weather diving get the open heel.

I have 2 pairs of fins one open heel and the other closed heel.

When I dove in warm water with open heels I thought that it was a bit cumbersom. In my opinion I thought that sliding on the closed heel was easier, not to mention lighter.

Go with the open heel.

Having options is allways good, even if you dont use them.
Well, at 6'2", if one goes with the OH, lizto, you might be advised to take a spin with the Mares Quattro. If a slipper fin is needed I can only suggest that you find one that fits with a 2mm bootie or 5mm boot depending on water temp. Try fitting the Atomic split or Mares Superchannel with the bootie. Don't go bare foot as this can produce blisters with some people. As far as using a boot, the only candidate size-wise might possibly be the Apollo Uni. Those things have a strange size scheme. For example, the S-M size will fit a man's size 10 foot with bootie.
Pescador775, when you say slipper fin, what are you referring to? (I don't know the reference).

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