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I just don't log dives
This recently went up on the corner of Av 11 and the Malecon (by Margaritaville). In the past it was legal to continue going south at the light with caution. Rules recently changed and its not allowed. So this is the sign they posted. Longest way I have ever seen to say traffic light or in Spanish semaforro.
So, Stop at the red light and hope everyone does the same....!!:eek: Thanks for the Heads UP !

Double S
I love that the sign is identical to the one before, except for the words, of course. Many paid no attention to the sign, since it appeared to be the same old sign in peripheral vision.
English is a terrible language. After 60 years I still can't pronounce a lot of words I know and I certainly can't spell them. But....signs in English are shorter than signs in other languages.
English is a terrible language to learn, not only because of the incredibly large vocabulary, with so many words having a plethora of synonyms and near-synonyms, but also because of the huge number of irregular words and syntax, the wealth of idioms, and the often nonsensical spelling and pronunciations. Then we have so many homonyms, which a great many (especially younger) people never really grasp when writing - how many times do you read a post when someone uses "to" to mean "too", or vice versa? But on the good side, precisely because of the huge vocabulary, English is capable of a level of precision and nuance in meaning that far exceeds that of most other common languages.
And at least English is not like German, where they just keep stringing words together (seemingly at random) to make longer and longer words - like Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.

Try saying that three times fast!
I will continue to ignore that sign and let you know what happens. Going through the red light has worked well for years…and I won't pay a bribe, I'll see the judge.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
Go Dave! Taking the hit for us.

I stopped for a red light once in Cancun and almost got run over. Everybody honked and a policeman yelled at me for stopping.
For the past few days a policeman has been stationed at the light in question to make sure everyone observes the new rule. He has had a chase car or motorcycle stationed there with him. The new rule has significantly backed up traffic on Melgar.

There have been several other recent changes to the traffic rules as well. Motos riding on the old east coast highway are now being fined, as the rule is now "bicycles only," even though the signs (those that haven't fallen down) have only a circle with a car covered by a diagonal red line.

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