Well, I stopped by all three dive shops while in Holland this weekend. I came bearing gifts I swung by the convention and visitors bureau in Alpena and grabbed a bag full of literature to assist those wishing to visit or dive the Alpena area and the Maritime Heritage Center kicked in some DVDs Tragedies in the Mist.
First stop was Advance Scuba. Tim was at the counter and ready to serve. We had a very nice talk! He asked me about as many diving opportunities in the Alpena Area as I was of his area. Warning!!!! His shop is pretty easy to drive by. His shop is in a very non-descript pole barn type structure, set well back off of the street. If it hadnt been for my wife spotting a dive flag fluttering in an open area, we would never have seen it. Tim primary business is boat repair and he also runs a dive charter operation. Tim was really appreciative of the gifts we bore. Tim, you made my efforts worth it!!
Within an hour or so after leaving his shop, Tim gave me a call regarding one of the gifts from the bag. The Michigan Underwater Preserve Directory!!! He wants to support the Michigan Underwater Preserves by advertising in their next directory!
Next stop was Adventures in Diving. Beware this store has awesome street presence but be very careful getting in and out of the parking lot. The shop is in the middle of a very odd intersection. Just glad it was only a Saturday morning and not a busy Friday afternoon. But all of that work was to no avail. The shop was closed. Oh, if you remember from my first post I saw on their website that they should be closed but Tim thought that I may want to take a chance. I also wanted to meet Peggy for I was bearing greetings from Gary Randolph whom I had spent the day before with. Sorry I missed you Peggy, maybe next trip!
Last stop was Ocean Sands. We stopped in and there was some folks watching a video in the front corner of the shop. Two of the group appeared to be affiliated with the shop, I think one may have been Chuck. The gentleman behind the counter was very friendly and took Staci and I on a tour of the facilities. I tell you to have so much in so few square feet!!!! Lets just say, Inventory, Inventory, Inventory. They even have Force Fins in stock! Thanks for the hospitality and Staci really liked the pool.
You know I realize how fortunate I am for living here on Thunder Bay. I am actually rather spoiled and need to venture more to other areas of our Great Lakes. I met some great people this weekend and I think it would be a kick to go with Tim on a trip in lower Lake Michigan.
So there you go!!!