Question Online Indonesia Customs Declaration: should prescription meds for personal use be declared?

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Toronto, Ontario
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I am travelling to Indonesia in a few days. Last month I went to a travel clinic and consulted with a physician. I received prescriptions for afflictions that may develop--ear infection, sinus congestion and chest cough.

Should these be listed on the declaration form? I'm a little wary listing these items in the same section that references narcotics, weapons..........

Any recent experience with this issue?
Completely irresponsible comment.
That's the problem with the Internet with people who have little knowledge of both medicine and law, but can't help dropping nonsense here and there instead of informing on serious issues.

For your education, this is coming from the consular services of the Indonesian embassy in the US :
“A letter from their doctor”? Seriously? 🤣

How many people bring a letter from their doctor explaining the need for a medication? And you say @Centrals is speaking nonsense? Lets get real. If you’re bringing legitimate (and legal in Indo) medications on vacation, you’re not going to get stopped. They’re after drug mules not diabetics or hypertensives.
I once went into a Middle East country and they checked every pill container I had, asking what it was for etc. All were over the counter medications like paracetamol. No problems, but they also check my video recorder and made me play some stuff to them. Presumably to show it was not porn.
“A letter from their doctor”? Seriously? 🤣

How many people bring a letter from their doctor explaining the need for a medication?
Do you get your metformin over the counter? :rofl3:
It's called a prescription in every country (except maybe yours) it can be handwritten or electronically signed.
Does not apply to ALL countries.
Isn't that the Indonesian board?
Wasn't the OP question pertaining to Indonesia?
You'll be welcome to put your musings about Malaysia in the Malaysian forum

If I need any advice on law in a foreign country, I will look it up directly at that particular country's regulation
That's PRECISELY the purpose of the screen copy coming form the INDONESIAN embassy (not Malaysian).
If you have something useful to say about it... (the word USEFUL is paramount here).
Presumably to show it was not porn.
Or maybe they just wanted/hoped to see some porn... Just saying

Back to topic. A very close friend (Indonesian who lives abroad) takes concerta which is in most countries (including of course Indonesia but also the country where she resides) is considered narcotic (stimulant).

She travels to Indo annually and has never declared it to Indonesian customs. As precaution she just doesn't take huge amounts (just one pill per day of her intended stay) and brings with her her diagnosis/prescription. She hopes that if she get caught she will be able to talk herself out of trouble.

Never (so far) she had even been questioned about it.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Thread is closed due to bickering and unacceptable insults.
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