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Un sexagénaire décède au large d'Hyères lors d'un accident de plongée
Sortie fatale ce dimanche matin dans le Var. Un homme de 67 ans est décédé lors d'un accident de plongée au large d'Hyères. Le sexagénaire été remonté en urgence par les autres membres de la palanquée puis ramené au port de Port-Cros où il a été pris en charge par les sapeurs-pompiers, font savoi

Fatal outing this Sunday morning in the Var. A 67-year-old man died in a diving accident off the coast of Hyères.
The sixty-year-old was brought up urgently by the other members of the group then brought back to the port of Port-Cros where he was taken care of by the firefighters, the Sdis 83 services report.
The Samu 83 helicopter was engaged in this operation but the doctor could only note the death.
The group of divers taken to hospital
The 3 other people in the group who raised the victim without a landing procedure are considered to have a "decompression accident".
They will be transported to a hospital with a caisson by the SAMU83 helicopter and the Panther alert helicopter for sea rescue hired by Cross-Med.