I really liked this article.
Briefly touched on - lack of available buddies and the psychology of being safe because you have a buddy.
I travel solo - I am a solo person and a little prone to doubting my abilities when others are around. Fear of being judged if you will. I live a pretty much solo life, and I'm more than happy so not a quivering mess. Because I've always travelled solo and remotely, the DM or Owner has usually been my buddy - perhaps this article has given me a new look at that, I had good buddies. But I've never had "A" buddy. I'm single, my sons don't dive, the few friends I have that can dive haven't dived for ten years etc etc so it's probably been a factor in why I've begun solo diving in a few places I know very well where amazing stuff can be found in 5m of water. I spent a lot of my childhood and teenage years there so I'm confident in my ability to CESA...every now and then I do it just to keep up as I'm getting older. I enjoy the serenity.
When I'm doing a LOB or land based trip I am a sociable person I think because I meet people with a common interest and can have great communication. I've made some (hopefully) life long friends who I was randomly assigned a cabin and to buddy with. Or met on some weird island that took 42 hours to get to. I've only ever asked a LOB friend to travel with me once and I had the best fun ever and I hope she did too. Hope to meet up with a few buddies again.
I try my very best to be a good buddy and keep an eye on my buddies and have helped out through minor problems with no dramas. I'm not even sure how to assess myself but I have had LOW divers on my octo and swam tired divers back to the boat. Felt good to be able to assist. I've also had some buddies particularly land based that have asked me what deco means before we splash who were rescue certified in Roatan.
Why not both? Great question. Very thought provoking thread.