OMG all this stuff about gear is making my head hurt

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New jersey home of some black water
Ok Ok. :06:
WELL my girlfriend and my self are into our third week of open water cert. (taking the class at divers two in jersey) the class is just a blast and the instructors are great in making us feel comfortable and safe and the lectures are nothing from what I thought they would be. The whole class is so much fun UNTILL I started to look at the gear. I know that LP is not a place to get any of our life support gear always go to my LDS (just to get that out of the way) but I really would like to know what regs are recommended for the newbie diver? No more then 50-60 ft also able to dive in both jersey water and the waters in the Bahamas (yes I am completely new to the whole scuba world) I really liked the decor viper series but since reading the post I’m kinda leerier on them now. I like them strictly on the fact that they are side exhaust I can not stand the bubbles going up in front of me and it smaller (no I have not tried one). I would have no problem spending the money for my life support gear but trying to be economical and safe is kind of a dilemma it seems. I want my g/f to be safe and have fun especially in jersey water my over all concern is her and my safety. I guess I can rent all kinds of regs but I would like to weed out the garbage per say. any and all help, info, suggestions, recommendations anything to help us through selection of gear would be great.
Thank to any and all
Couple of things I'd like to point out for you to think about. 1. You are not diving yet... you're spending most your time kneeling on the bottom of a pool, performing stupid human tricks for the instructor. When you are in that position, bubbles will come up into your face, but if you get your body into a diving position... horizontal, you will see the bubbles don't get in the way anymore.

Also keep in mind that with a normal regulator, if you tilt your head to the left, the bubbles escape out the right side of the exhaust and are out of your way, but with a side exhaust, like the viper, if you tilt to the left, all the bubbles still have to come out the left side, and they all go in front of your face.

So are the ok regs... yes, do they really help that much with bubbles?? Not really. There are other features I'd be more interested in, like 1st stage design, is the second stage pneumatically ballanced, etc.
Hi scubatoys
thanks for the info thats what im talking about i have no idea what inportant stuff is and what i should be looking for. All i do know is that i should be looking for gear that will grow with me and will be able to advance with me in my skills like driy suite and nitrox and all that other stuff if i so choose to take that class later on in my life of scuba.
Hi scubatoys
thanks for the info thats what im talking about i have no idea what inportant stuff is and what i should be looking for. All i do know is that i should be looking for gear that will grow with me and will be able to advance with me in my skills like driy suite and nitrox and all that other stuff if i so choose to take that class later on in my life of scuba.

I'm in the same boat. I've been certified for about 6 years but got married, had kids, etc at the same time so I'm just now purchasing gear, getting back into diving, etc. My advice is the CALL LARRY at Scubatoys (877) 728-2243. I was doing the same thing you are; looking around the web, reading posts here, etc. and with a couple of calls to Larry I'm relatively set on what I'm getting. Also I'd be willing to bet that will be CONSIDERABLY cheaper than your LDS. Yes, they are an authorized dealer (unlike LP) so you get warranty etc.
Hi outlawaggie,
thanks for the reply. But I thought buying off line was a big no no (Larry no offense please this is what we are told in class but I do love your site and price made me a little giddy and envious) also I live in new jersey not really a good chance of me going to Texas to get my gear repaired/serviced. I would have no problem buying gear from a store that is authorized by the company but I would still have to spend the money for warranty work by my LDS or am wrong on this. The way I hear divers talk in jersey is you really want to stay loyal to the LDS that certified you in scuba. I can understand that you want to support your LDS so when you need/want something they are their to serve you. My LDS only carry certain items and it seems all the high end gear nothing in the middle just another way to show that new jersey is an expensive state to live in. I just don’t know…… pledge my loyalty to my LDS or run the risk and buy online from a company that is authorized. My biggest problem through this whole ordeal is I really don’t want to sound like a rookie/newbie squid.
Thanks to all for your ideas and info
Scubatoys is an AUTHORIZED dealer. Larry, can you help out here.

So is and for that matter. If the price difference is a couple of percent then by all means support your local LDS. By the way you are supporting your LDS anyway. You paid for class, you will probably pay for travel etc.

Read through the following thread it will help.

If your LDS says it won't service properly registered equipment sold by an AUTHORIZED dealer then you shouldn't do business with them anyway. The bottom line is that there are two schools of thought. Some say support your LDS at all costs and some say the LDS should evolve like Scubatoys has. I am not made of money and on the rig I am looking at buying from Scubatoys saves over $500. Thats the better part of a trip to Cozumel.

Before you do anything call Larry at ScubaToys (877) 728-2243. It a free call. What can you lose?

Just my opinion. Hope it helps.

Welcome to the wonderful world of blowing bubbles. I've been certified since the beginning of March. Have about 50 dives under my belt, almost all of which were since the beginning of April.

Anyway, don't count on the 50 - 60 ft thing for long. I guarantee you that you'll be wondering what's deeper, really quick. As for buying on-line versus the LDS, the only suggestion I have here is to see what your local shops have to offer and how much they are selling it for then go to someone like ScubaToys and ask them. True, LP is not an authorized dealer, but Larry is.

Now, for my suggested reg? Well, I chose the Zeagle DSV with ZX second stage. I've had it to 130 ft and dive the reg in 42 degree water regularly. I've used it while swimming on my back, upside down (inverted) and just about any position you can think of. Needless to say, I'm very happy with it.

As for a BC, take a serious look at the BP/W setup. It's more cost effective than the traditional setup and much more flexible.


Ok Ok. :06:
WELL my girlfriend and my self are into our third week of open water cert. (taking the class at divers two in jersey) the class is just a blast and the instructors are great in making us feel comfortable and safe and the lectures are nothing from what I thought they would be. The whole class is so much fun UNTILL I started to look at the gear. I know that LP is not a place to get any of our life support gear always go to my LDS (just to get that out of the way) but I really would like to know what regs are recommended for the newbie diver? No more then 50-60 ft also able to dive in both jersey water and the waters in the Bahamas (yes I am completely new to the whole scuba world) I really liked the decor viper series but since reading the post I’m kinda leerier on them now. I like them strictly on the fact that they are side exhaust I can not stand the bubbles going up in front of me and it smaller (no I have not tried one). I would have no problem spending the money for my life support gear but trying to be economical and safe is kind of a dilemma it seems. I want my g/f to be safe and have fun especially in jersey water my over all concern is her and my safety. I guess I can rent all kinds of regs but I would like to weed out the garbage per say. any and all help, info, suggestions, recommendations anything to help us through selection of gear would be great.
Thank to any and all
Hi outlawaggie,
thanks for the reply. But I thought buying off line was a big no no (Larry no offense please this is what we are told in class but I do love your site and price made me a little giddy and envious) also I live in new jersey not really a good chance of me going to Texas to get my gear repaired/serviced. I would have no problem buying gear from a store that is authorized by the company but I would still have to spend the money for warranty work by my LDS or am wrong on this.

No offense taken. If you want to give me a call on monday, I'll be glad to talk to you about some options, and give you a little education over the phone. If you can use that to work a better deal with your local dive shop, I'll understand - If you want to get it from us, that is great too.

As far as warranty - since we are an authorized dealer, there is no difference between buying from us, or buying from a shop in one state, then moving to another. Will the local shop service it? If not - they are morons! Shops charge for service, warranty covers manufacturers defects, recalls, and free parts. They still get to charge a labor fee - if they don't want that money - I can tell you there are a lot of shops who do - including us! We do service for anyone who bought a reg from us for $39.95 and parts are free for life. So for annual service, you can ship it to us, or take it to any authorized dealer... and if an authorized dealer refuses to work on an authorized purchase - one call to the manufacturer will have that straightened out quick.

I had someone come in to our shop with a reg he bought at another shop - because he was told "Support your small local shop", (they couldn't tell them simply local - since we are too - gee... go figure, not only do shops say buying from the internet is a no no... they say buying from us even though we are here in town is a no no too). Problem is that shop went out of business last month. And he bought brands IDI and Parkway, that went bankrupt... He does not have a lot of choices at this point.

So my advice would be find solid brands, get the features you are after and get a fair price. If I can help you with any questions, just give me a call on the toll free number Monday.

Ok Ok. :06:
WELL my girlfriend and my self are into our third week of open water cert. (taking the class at divers two in jersey) the class is just a blast and the instructors are great in making us feel comfortable and safe and the lectures are nothing from what I thought they would be. The whole class is so much fun UNTILL I started to look at the gear. I know that LP is not a place to get any of our life support gear always go to my LDS (just to get that out of the way) but I really would like to know what regs are recommended for the newbie diver? No more then 50-60 ft also able to dive in both jersey water and the waters in the Bahamas (yes I am completely new to the whole scuba world) I really liked the decor viper series but since reading the post I’m kinda leerier on them now. I like them strictly on the fact that they are side exhaust I can not stand the bubbles going up in front of me and it smaller (no I have not tried one). I would have no problem spending the money for my life support gear but trying to be economical and safe is kind of a dilemma it seems. I want my g/f to be safe and have fun especially in jersey water my over all concern is her and my safety. I guess I can rent all kinds of regs but I would like to weed out the garbage per say. any and all help, info, suggestions, recommendations anything to help us through selection of gear would be great.
Thank to any and all
get yourself something you,re actually happy with and want to keep for a longer time,there,s no beginners gear ,your investing in life support equipment,so you,re the judge how much or what gear you,re wanna invest ,make sure that you,re getting something which you,re comfortable with,try out a few differend sets so that you,re be able to ;since you,re diving in cold water,you want to make sure that you purchase a cold water capable reg,"first stage diaphragm" i suggest!(may be a Poseidon,odin or x-tream)they,re fantastic.
Hi every one,
First off let say this- i was kind of leery of the whole scuba board thingy you know "don't believe everything you read on the internet." Reading other boards it really seems that it was just a p!$$ing match about what gear was better. Then I found scuba board and I have to say what an excellent board and group of people that are on this. You all are great! No one has been judgmental about being a rookie and not knowing the gear. Every one who has replied or emailed me/us has only given their opinion with an over all experience of gear and for that I am grateful. Opinions are cheap But can save you an expensive lesson. Larry I have never meet you nor have I been to Texas but just in the few times that I have read your replies to me and your replies to others and what other members have told me about you I must say I feel I can total trust your opinion and expertise. So far in the times that I have ventured out to the LDS and jersey has a lot I have never felt or been given a reason to trust them. I mean this is in fact my g/f and my life at stack. It took me a long time and a lot of talking with people to find a LDS that was of high regards for the padi course and the course is excellent( for any jersey people looking to get an OW cert try divers two in Avon they make you feel real safe and don't rush nothing. just a little plug for them) but any who this post was just a way for me to say thank you for helping clear the waters for me/us. and I think I will definitely find out how my LDS works with "outsider repair work" and I’ll be giving a fair share of business to Larry at scubatoys. I am a very hard person when it comes to trusting people with my life. Being a fireman for 12yrs you learn not to trust everyone in a dangerous situation.
Thanks to all and please by all means keep the post coming

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