Thanks for your answer. Does she use the cancel circuit or not ? In Inon website Inon says to use it in manual or auto (in inon) and nout to use it in STTL. It's strange. I must try to take my own picture next week but I try to find advices from person who have this camera.
I have used the S2000 with the C5060 and the EPL2 and I assume that the XZ1 works the same. In manual mode on the flash and a specified power setting (like full, 1/2 etc.) on the camera there is no pre-flash and you need to have the magnet in to cancel the S2000's expectation of a pre-flash (or cancel it). When it (the flash) is in STTL mode and the camera flash setting is for anything but a specified power level, then it recognizes the pre-flash whether the magnet is in or not. The magnet only matters for manual mode. For these cameras I would just leave the magnet in. When you are shooting STTL (camera usually set to fill flash and flash set to STTL), the flash will ignore the magnet and recogise the pre-flash. When you set the camera flash to manual mode and the flash to manual the magnet will cancel the pre-flash recognition and fire the flash at full power (or whatever power setting you set on the flash) when it is triggered by the flash on the camera.
You will get into trouble if you set the camera flash to a specified power setting and the S2000 to STTL. In that set-up there is no pre-flash from the flash in the camera and the flash (S2000) expects it. I initially tried this thinking I would save battery power by setting the camera flash to 1/64th power. Essentially I had the camera in manual flash mode and the flash in STTL. Although the S2000 did fire the pictures were very underexposed. Similarly if you have the camera flash in fill mode and the S2000 in manual mode the S2000 will fire early on the pre-flash from the camera and again your pictures will be underexposed.