If you took those shots with 'no' photography background, I'd say you're doing great. Gave ya some comments on flickr...seriously though, very nice shots IMO. The composition etc will come with time (and if you're diving doubles, time's something you got plenty of down there unlike single-80 airhogs like myself <grin>)
I'll let you know if your gallery helps me talk my wife around to a Bonaire trip. We were thinking Belize but the more I read, the more I realize I want more dives / day and more flexibility, and shore-diving sounds like the way to go. We've only done liveaboards for shorter time spans (3 day weekends, Flower Gardens) and I think since she'll be coming off a 4+ month stint as a chef on a cruise ship she'll want a bit more stretching room than a LA for an 8 - 10 day trip....