Hi Phil,
I am torn between upgrading to the EM5 mark ii or the EM1 mark ii. I Prefer Wide angle and CFWA to macro. I am planning trips to Socorro and Tiger Beach. The EM1 is about triple the price of the M5. Is it really triple the camera performance? Which lenses do you recommend for my trips? If I had to save money somewhere should I do it in with the Camera (EM5 instead of EM1) housing (Olympus instead of Nauticam) or Lenses and dome ports (acrylic instead of glass, Panasonic instead of Olympus). I'm upgrading from a Canon G7x and am overwhelmed by all the extra expense of the the lenses, dome ports etc. However, I don't want to get the EM5 in Olympus housing to then end up upgrading in two years. If in the end I have to upgrade, I didn't save anything I just missed opportunities and spent more money.
Thank you for your reviews, I bought all the back issues of UWPmag and have been having a great time reading and learning.
Hi Jess, My way of looking at this is a bit different than others in some cases. To make this apples to apples you need to consider a few things starting with cost of the cameras at release. The EM5 II retail was $1099.00 and the EM1 II was $1999.00 that is a $900.00 difference or less than half for the camera body. Now the EM1 II has been dropped $200.00 to be at the same price as the just released Panasonic G-9 and the EM5 II is like $799.00 because it is about to be replaced by EM5 III, which will be coming on the heels of EM10 III. EM1 III is way off in like 2020 would be my guess.
Second is the Nauticam housing, NA-EM1 II is $1900.00 and NA-EM5 II is $1450.00, what you don't get with EM5 II housing is tray, dual grips, ball heads and brackets. These add up to about $222.00. So apples to apples for the same equipped housing $1900.00 V. $1672 for EM5 II or a $228.00 difference. So what you should be considering is the difference between the two cameras and housings because everything else is the same. Ports, gears, lenses, strobe arms, strobes and more will cost the same for both housings and cameras. I think the differences in both the cameras and housings is worth going with EM1 II. Olympus also has lens and camera body sales that save you even more. Olympus lenses work better on Olympus cameras and the same is true for Panasonic lenses on Panasonic cameras.
If you are considering the Olympus housing then if would make more sense to compare housing, ports, trays, gears and so on to the Ikelite housings for each camera.
If you look back through the issues of uwpmag.com I reviewed all three manufactures housing for for EM1 II and Ikelite for EM5 II.
I am a big fan of the Olympus 8mm F/1.8 Fisheye with the Nauticam 140mm glass port and the 7-14mm F/2.8 with the larger Nauticam 180mm or ZEN Underwater 170, 200 (now discontinued) or 230mm ports.
You may PM with any additional questions.
Hi Phil - just a note. Thanks for the 30mm macro report I went out and bought the lens yesterday. Looking forward to trying it out after Christmas in Bali.
Hi Andy, Hope you enjoy the lens and have a safe trip.