Scuba-Rican:Excellent Leese ! Thanx a bunch.:monkeydan I have to do some more research at my LPS before I go ahead and buy the housing directly from Olympus. Thanx for the heads up. My photo setup is looking better and better. not to mention my checking account.I have to go to officemax too. Good viz, George.
I'm glad that you saw Leesa's post in time. $260 sounds like a lot for the pt-015. Granted, I got mine a few months ago when they were easier to find, but I only paid $134 for it online. Check past threads to find the different places that had it.
Another place to look for accessories is Costco (or probably Sam's club, too, if you have access to either one). I got my 256 CF card there for only $49. And, I got spare battery/charger packs there - 6 AA (2100's), 2 AAA, and the charger for $20. They may not be as great a battery as some of the other people on the board would recommend, but for the price, I couldn't pass up the overall value.
I'm still just getting used to my setup (still, it's only been in the pool - I can't bring myself to bring it on a beach dive and risk getting knocked over in the waves with it, and I'm not on a boat for another 2 weeks) but I love it so far! The camera on land even is great, and it was really easy to use in the housing when I tested it in the pool. You'll enjoy it - good luck!