Oly PT-015 + C5050

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Reaction score
Fishers, IN
# of dives
200 - 499
I am looking towards getting an Oly PT-015 + the 5050 camera. For those you you who have had one for a while - how do you like it? How is the flash/lens situation working out? What strobes/lenses are you using?
I just recently put together my Oly C-5050 with the PT-015. I have to say that I am very pleased with the camera and the housing. I'm sure you'll find lots of others that feel the same way.

I'm currently not using any external strobes...for a decent one you're probably looking at $400-$500 (doesn't really include the tray or arm). Same deal with the wide angle lens. Strobe will probably come first, and the WAL (around $300) will come later.

Check out my photo gallery with the 5050. I've got a bunch of photos I have yet to upload, and lots to learn about photography.

My photos:

For a good sites on the C-5050 by itself, check out:
http://www.dpreview.com/forums/forum.asp?forum=1008 and

For another good site on Underwater Photography, check:

Best of luck to you.
it was great to see the pics without a strobe, makes me feel better about not spending the $$$ right now and only getting the camera and pt015. Thanks!!!
First time out this weekend with the Oly PT-015 + the 5050 camera. You can see some pics my web site. I would suggest using it for at least a month or more topside, then venture using it underwater. The 5050 has a lot of buttons to get used to, but underwater it wasnt that bad. I am impressed so far, and cant wait to dive in a good place for pics.
I have both, but have yet to get it anywhere with good vis. I do like it so far though. The housing works perfectly with the camera and it's so much easier to clean up digital pics later than scanned ones. Good luck.
I'm in the same boat as indiana and arenny and I think I've finally decided (after years of thinking about it) that I want a C-5050 with PT-015. For anyone else that's looking now what's the best prices you've found on the Internet? I've typically found about $599 for the camera to be the best price on a non-refurbished unit and I've seen a lot of different prices on the PT-015 with a lot of those places not even having them in stock. Can anyone recommend a place that has the housing in stock for a reasonable price or does it just make sense to order it from Japan like several people on the board have done?

One more thing...do you guys use anything to touch up your images like Photoshop? Those pictures from Dr. Jay are pretty great for a stock camera with no external strobe...way better than what I was expecting to come out of my lens. He's either one hell of a photographer with shooting and touch-up or that's one sweet camera or both.

equipto76 once bubbled...
He's either one hell of a photographer with shooting and touch-up or that's one sweet camera or both.
:D :D :D

Why, I believe I am blushing!

No, really, I did use Photoshop to touch up most of my photos. The Auto-levels feature and Auto color adjustment works wonders. Sometimes I manually adjust colors for more yellows or reds (the latter being almost absent). IMHO, the true measure of a good photographer is composition, which for me only comes accidentally, if at all. :D You kinda have to watch that internal flash, though. It has a tendency to bounce off every piece of gunk in the water and make a mess as far as backscatter goes. Sorry, but there's really no replacement for an external strobe. But I know there's folks out there that have been able to do just fine without one until they can afford it. Me, I'm just "doing" until I can afford it.

The Camera:
Can't help you much there. I got mine at CompUSA, only because I wanted to be able to bring it back if something happened to it. My final price was $700. I've heard of many that go to places like buydig.com and have great results. Sometimes, you can even get a better firmware version 'cause the online stores rotate their stock so much more often. $599 sounds like a good price. I use Bizrate often to search for good prices on stuff.

The Housing:
I got my housing from Ryan at Underwater Camera Pros. I have to say I had a good experience. Now that the housing is becoming more available, it seems like distributors like Adorama and B&H Photo and Video are selling them cheaper. The difference is there are rarely folks at those places that know much about UW photography.

All in all, the camera is absolutely awesome...probably one of the best (if not the best) in consumer models out there.

Best of luck to you! And I know the folks at the sites I previously posted (including this one :wink:) are always willing to help.
Great information Doc and everyone else. I'll be ordering my C-5050 and PT-015 next week. I'll probably also go ahead and pick up a copy of Photoshop just to make my attempts a little less embarassing. The color correction was probably the thing I had the most concern about. Without an external strobe things get pretty washed out around 60-100'. (There's plenty of great wrecks here in NC but not a lot of pretty shallow reefs.)

An external strobe is definitely in the works for me once I get some experience with the camera and save up some more money. You'd think UW strobes are manufactured by the government for the amount they charge for them.


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