B Mode is called "macro mode" because the 10X allows for precise focus you need when shooting macro pictures with very shallow DOF. DOF in macro shots can be as thin as a credit card. Using a tripod & B Mode allows you to take pictures of flies, bees, etc. that are in focus. Underwater, B Mode is pretty useless, on the other hand, A Mode works and has minimal shutter lag. As with my 5050, doing macro shots requires some skill and multiple shots to get keepers, especially when you start adding on diopters, extention tubes, and teleconverters!
The shutter lag (or should we call it autofocus lag?) in B Mode is due to the required physical movement of the mirror assembly, shutter speed is unaffected. If the DMC L1 and the Leica cameras only have B Mode, it's a real step backwards, except for microscope work.
This picture was taken in A mode:
Nice picture!
My Oly 7070 also has a 10(?) times enhancer (in both AF and manual mode). The problem is that its display is too small so it's hard to use it unless what you photograph is something very clear with large contrast (like text on a paper), and it requires that I half press the shutter. Half pressing is really hard as it is with the thick gloves I usually wear and with the Ikellite housing lever, so I never manage to press the extra button while half pressing (i.e. uw).
Anyway, I use the super macro mode on my 7070 almost exclusively and photograph things as small as tiny insects (uw). For this I use its small display, crappy AF and huge focus lag. I don't use a tripod uw (of curse ;-)).
So, to me the mode B sounds wonderful. I mean, a large, crystal clear display, precise and trystt AF and even though it has about 1 sec AF lag it's still faster than my 7070 in most situations!
An optional 10x enhancer that may prove to be very useful to see exactly the achieved focus (I would love to see an optional 4x enhancer). To see if I've moved the camera and lost focus etc.
And, a huge benefit (compared to mode B) is that I can see the DOF! That's wonderful, both in macro shots but also in other shots.
When shooting a moving fish, the A mode will be just perfect and something that I also very much look forward to. A fast AF and a large display.
But, perhaps what you are telling me is that mode A works so good, even in macro, that there is no need to use mode B!?
Well, I still have to test the camera (no store has it here!), but at least I've tested the Pany which seems to have the B mode very similar implemented to E-330 (with the benefits of an optional 4x and showing WB). For uw macro work, I think it could work very well. For shooting fish (and other moving creatures or plants) it's useless.
Do you disagree with my thoughts!?