Older Zeagle BC repair and ID

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Orlando, FL
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0 - 24
I was given an old Zeagle BC that was bought second hand. I was wondering if anyone knew what it was.

There is a hole in the inner bladder and I wanted to know if it is better to patch the hole, replace the inner bladder, replace the whole bladder assembly, or just buy a new Zeagle?

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Joshua Kershaw Photography- powered by SmugMug

Joshua Kershaw Photography- powered by SmugMug


It looks like an old Concept BC from what I can tell.

I don't think trying to patch that bladder is a good idea. If it was a pin hole, sure, but that looks a little larger than that.

The BC appears to be in good shape, based on what I can see, but I would probably put a new bladder assembly on it, which will also get you a new airway system and inflator.

Thanks Scott. When I replace the bladder assembly, which one would you recomend?

I was thinking the 34 lb all elastic or one of the 35 lb models.

Eventually I'm going to pick up either a Stiletto or a Brigade, but for now, since I'm just starting out I was wanting to get a bit more use out of this one.

Thanks again. Great Product. Great Florida Company.

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