I got a few hours of diving on the Oval Mask now. So here are my thoughts so far..
As for vision, it really is just give and take like any other mask. The field of vision directly in front of you is the best you can get. Though the mask gives the diver a very noticeable "tunnel vision" perspective and will limit visibility to a fair amount especially your peripherals. So the diver will find themselves swiveling there head a little bit more than normal.
The high volume is not very noticeable for scuba unless you are counting every breath. But I would not recommend the mask for free diving (Depending on the diver's ability) as it takes far more air to equalize than the low volume masks.
When it comes to equalizing your ears, that will depend on the diver. I myself can equalize without pinching my nose. But I did try the built in nose pinchers to add to my review. It was tricky to one hand equalize with the pinchers. my regulator just got in the way while I was trying to get my thumb and pointer finger into the pinchers. If you prefer using the pinchers it is easier to use two hands and both pointer fingers to equalize. Or just to lift the mask up, equalize, and clear your mask.
Looking through the mask it gives a very cool feeling (especially if you're a Sea Hunt fan). This experience is something that you won't get with any other mask. It really adds to the dive experience. So much infact that I've been looking for a dual hose regulator to add to the experience.
This mask is great for recreational diving but I would draw the line on the masks limit for any technical diving. I'm not saying it can't be done but its not the right tool for the job. This mask is more for a nostalgic and vintage feeling, pictures, and what not. I would recommend an oval mask to anyone that is interested or even considering it. Who knows how much longer they will be around and it will be a cool addition to anyone's collection.
If you do require prescription lenses, you might want to do more research I'm not sure the options for this or even if those options exist. But you can always just tough it out with contacts.
Free Divers. Considering the high volume, possible equalizing issues. This mask isn't for you. If anything you can use it for shallow water free dives. Coming from a free diving background myself, I can't see anyone pushing over 30 feet with this type of mask comfortably. Depending on your descent and accent rate you will experience far more drag than a low volume mask. Since you only have a limited bottom time the limited vision is not helping you out in any way.
When wearing the mask, be ready to receive compliments and criticism. Some people think its very cool while others will think it more as a joke. So as a heads up, be prepared to hear others peoples opinions especially if you are diving in big groups.