Old guys rule!

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"And yes, that is my 40+ year old set of Mk10s with G250 Graphites. Several of my Mk10/G250 sets came originally from my dad. The perception of my old age is magnified by this 🙂. I still keep these reg sets around. I find it relaxing to work servicing them. I formed a sentimental attachment to these things and they are my favorite reg models. I hope this answers some of the mysteries the good folks at ScubaBoard were pondering on: https: //scubaboard.com/community/threads/old-guys-rule.630824/"

Ain't the Internet great? I'm so tickled that Gabriel Pineda was piqued enough by my tease to explain why. Good for him! New technology paired with an old reliable. Good for him!

And that's a cool dive story at the end of the article.

Now I just have to reconcile the safety advantages of U/W wireless communication with my vision of a whole legion of divers with their heads bent forward in the classic GenZ pose, staring endlessly at their devices as they swim along...

Apple II Plus and I still have it. So no wonder I still have my original mk10 and g250 graphite.
I wrote both my PhD Proposal and my PhD Dissertation (1991) on a Mac SE FDHD (using WriteNow and MathType software). Wikipedia writes: "Introductory price US$3,900 (equivalent to $10,500 in 2023) (with 20 MB hard drive)."

My GF and her sister purchased the SE from me (for a song!) to gift to their 9-years-younger brother. My GF (now ex-wife) still has it somewhere in her basement, I think.

I took out a loan to pay for the SE, but had to borrow money from my folks to pay for my Apple laser printer (Personal Laser Writer "NT", the more expensive model, necessary to render math symbols correctly). I "found" it, in its box, in my garage earlier today, when I was looking for my old Analox O2 analyzer and CGA540-to-DIN O2 whip.

Like you, @abeck70, I still own and dive the SP Mk10's and BA/156's and G250 I purchased new around that time (1987 and 1988).


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