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Thanks for all the advice. Hopefully at least one of them will be bitten by the bug. I'm so excited, I just signed up for 3 days on a liveaboard going out to the Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. After so much cold water diving, I'll sure be ready for the warm waters of south Florida! Hopefully there will be other buddiless divers there to pair up with.
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to the board. Last time I was in the Keys diving, it was Key Largo. I was with my sons ages 13 and 17. They both snorkeled above me while I had a tank on, and dove under them where they could see me. I paid a divemaster $40.00 to be my buddy, since it was all snorkelers on the boat, and I was the only diver. (This was at the Westin Key Largo).
Anyway, my boys were so jealous that I could do things they couldn't do, that they both got certified this last summer. The same idea might work for you! Good luck.
I like your suggestion a lot, it sounds like you get the best of both worlds.
Welcome from New Jersey.

I was in Key West last Labor day and dove with Lost Reef Adventures. They were a great outfit. My kids and my girlfriend at the time were all non-divers but they snorkled while I dove. We went to a reef about 45 minutes south of Key West. The top of the reef was at about 20' and the bottom was about 35' to 40' Good entry level dive but shallow enough to keep the snorklers interested. The best memory was looking up and seeing my daughter swimming in my bubbles...

Anyway, I highly recommend Lost Reef Adventures... They were good people. Their url is http://www.keywest.com/lostreef.html

and a welcome from north of the 49th....

I agree with what has been said about pressuring your friend(s). Rave, show pictures if you can (or find pics of what you've seen either on the web or in books), when they're ready they will join you.
Hi All!
Lisacats, everyone is right...once you start raving about your dives, your friends will feel left out & may be willing to try scuba. I am also a fairly new diver (owc in May, 2001). I was "never going to get in the water with a little can of air on my back". after a while, snorkeling just wasn't enough...so, I agreed to take the course last winter...just to TRY it. I finished my certification dives the 1st weekend in May & was diving in Cozumel the 2nd weekend...I was HOOKED! I have since completed 30 dives (am currently sitting out the winter...brrrrr) & can't wait to get back into the water. so, don't give up on your friends...but don't pressure them either.
have fun on your trip & good diving!

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