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Glad to have you aboard.

Get your friends to check out this site we will convince them.

Hi lisacats

Welcome to the board. Don’t pressure your friend into trying scuba. Let the come to scuba , don’t push them towards it. Better to talk to them about all the fun you have diving. Tell them about your experiences and the things you see, the people you meet. When they see the fun and enjoyment you get out of Scuba, they might just decide for themselves to take the plunge. Better for them to do it because they really want it, rather than feel pressured by others.

Dive Safe…………………Arduous
from sunny Bangkok! You've found the right place to spend your SI and ask as many questions as you can think of.

Although it must be a bit frustrating to be the only diver in your group, I have to agree with Arduous that the best way to convince non-divers to try it is to just talk (rave, more like) about how fantastic your dives have been, all the amazing things you've seen down there and how much you're looking forward to the next one etc. I have converted several non-believers this way - even people who are not so comfortable in the water - once they get down there they realise how much easier it is to be under the water, rather than on the surface; not to mention the awesome feelings and sights you experience.

Good luck and have a great trip!
Hi Lisacats from the UK

Your enthusiasm for this addiction of ours will eventually get to your friends and they will likely give it a try. As you know one time is all it takes, just be patient with them.

Always happy to hear someone hooked on diving! :)

I agree with Keralucu and Arduous about not pressurizing them - i am the only one in my close group of friends that is crazee about diving. One used to be into diving, but has stopped due to work commitments. Another gere friend was hesitant as well, but last year, we went to a dive resort together, and while i went diving, she followed the snorkellers to the snorkelling sites. She enjoyed it so much, she decided to try out diving! The other gals are just not keen on diving, beaches or anything related to water/marine anyway, so there's no way i can even "persuade" them.

Most of my travelling nowadays is with diver friends, even if i travel with non-divers, we usually split up in the day to do our own stuff, and then we meet up again in the evenings/at night for dinner and drinks.

Hope you all have fun anyway!
Hi lisacat
Welcome to the board....and get those snorklers on the board to ...we will chat them into changing those snorkels for a tank on the back.
Welcome, Lisacat!

keralucu is right on... just rave and rave and rave and rave. :) They'll want to try it soon enough.
:snorkel: Hello all, I'm new to the board, and I'm new to diving,....I have 6 dives under my belt and have become a hopeless addict! I just returned from Grand Cayman and I'm already planning my next trip!

Welcome to the board. Goto the New Thread button in the introductions and greets section and start your own thread so that we all can say hello to you and get to know you.


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