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Alameda CA
I'm a relatively new (17 dives) diver and I love it! I am going to the Miami/Key West area next month and wondered if anyone could recommend a good dive charter that might also cater to snorklers. My travel companions are still reluctant to take the real plunge but we still want to be on the same boat. Do such things exist? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I can't help with your question,
I just wanted to say
Welcome to the boards!

Scuba and snorkelers together might be okay in shallow stuff
but in deeper water your gonna see all the cool stuff while they're up at the surface.

Personaly I think scuba is a lot easier than snorkeling. Especially if it's rough seas. :)
Of course scuba is better than snorkling, but try as I might I can't convince these girls that it's safe! Perhaps I'll have do find a place for shore diving where there is a shallow reef for them to check out.

Don't know much about Miami, but dove Key West a few weeks ago.

In Key West, the reef is a few miles off shore, so no shore diving. A couple of the reefs we visited has very shallow areas, and our boat had a few snorklers.

I'd suggest asking the operator if the day's destination is suitable for snorkling. Many sites are.
and a WARM welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

I am sure that your question will be answered, and a good instructor will put your friends fears of divng to rest.
Either get them to do a discover scuba, or a resort coarse somewhere. We arranged a discover scuba for our freinds and family. My son went on to certify. One freind is interested, but no action yet.

Don't forget to tell them that with proper training, scuba is safer than bowling and downhill skiing.
Welcome! I can't recommend an operator in FL, never got to dive there, the water is too warm anyway!

Welcome from Oregon.

Welcome from NJ!
And welcome to diving.
As far as getting your friends to try it, the resort course suggestion is a good one. If the instructor okays it, you could "tag along" with your friends on their first dive, maybe take a few pictures (u/w cameras are available to rent at many reaorts-or buy one of the small, single use u/w cameras),and show them the fun potential of diving.
good luck,
A warm HOWDY!!! from Texas and the NDI Texas Swamp Diving Team!!!

My good dive buddy Corsair has been to Key West twice (goes each Thanksgiving for the Pirates in Paradise festival) and has had lots of very good things to say about the dive operation known as "Sub-Tropic".

He has said that the staff is exceptionally friendly and helpful, and the DM's do a great job ensuring that you get as much out of your dives as possible.

If you'd like to conact him, send me a private message (by clicking the --MSG-- button below) and I'll pass you his e-mail address.

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