oil drilling within 50nm of key west

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Corn ethanol is morally wrong as it raises the costs of corn as food and detract from the amount of said food we can use to help curb hunger.It is fiscally wrong because the energy produced per $ without huge subsidies is almost break-even.
To allow the Chinese to have working wells within 50miles of our coast and to not be doing it ourselves is just plain stupid,not surprising just stupid.
As far as the embargo it's easy to dive in Cuba,it only requires military service.
Chugwump: I am from Macon County, Georgia, not Ohio. I live in Ohio because I got paid about double the salary I made in Georgia for doing the same work and retired here. I also have a winter home near Jakin, Georgia where I go slumming from November till April. Go Bucks. ,,,,,,,

Corn-made ethanol is a boondoggle which will collapse as soon as the world price of oil falls back to about $70, if that ever happens. Hopefully, we can get American/Canadian production to this point. I'd much rather have to depend on the Canuks for our energy anyway. We are already importing more oil from them than any other country. Later on, they will be so dependent on our buck$ that it will be a simple thing to annex them, return to them their right of self-defense and teach them how to speak English. How a boat that, eh?
Now if can just get the Canada to the Gulf pipeline approved by El' Presidente'.

I think he wants to approve it, but will stymie it until after his reelection in the next general election so as not to piss off the anti-everything enviro-freaks that are opposed to it and whose support he needs.

I am not real sure that the whole "Canadian Oil Sands" thing is a good thing, as I really have not researched it too much.
I am certain that there will be environmental damage, but to what extent, and can it be remediated?

I am unsure as to what you meant in your "annexing" comment.
As far as annexing Canada....that is just not going to happen in this lifetime.
If you meant annexing Cuba.......{{shivers}}....those people are absolutely crazy, and need 100 years after the bearded bastard dies to figure it out on their own.
Anyone that goes into Cuba trying to grab the spoils or even help them, will get their ass kicked by the fanatical nationalists that have a proud tradition of defeating all comers.

Couldn't get to Gitmo.

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