Oh my, my wife just signed up for OW!! :)

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Redmond, WA USA
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50 - 99
One of my wife's best friends wants to get certified and has accomplished what I could not. They both just signed up for an OW course in March!

I think her seeing how much I enjoyed my classes and diving over the last couple months softened her up, and now her friend gave the knock out blow. Though I told her to not worry about the money and don't feel bad if she backs out at any point. I told her if she ever feels uncomfortable to just call off the dive, no worries.

She's even agreed to try diving in Puget Sound. My wife doesn't like to be cold, AT ALL, so it'll be interesting to see how she likes it.

Hmm, but now if I sneak out and buy a new scuba toy, she'll be wise to me when we go diving. :( Could get expensive, I'll have to buy 2 of everything now.

I'm excited to be able to share this with her. Now I just have to get my skills up to snuff so I can be a good buddy for her. :)
Good news Jason! My fiance is a very active cold water diver (instructor as well) and it is an awesome activity to share.

You'll be walking a fine line while she's training. You need to be encouraging, while not pushing her either, but so far it looks like you've got the balance right.

You've got the wrong attitude about sneaking out to buy gear though. When she's certified she'll be able to understand the true need for that new piece of gear! But you are right, better start asking for some overtime...

Cool ... a live-in dive buddy ... those are the best kind ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

One of my wife's best friends wants to get certified and has accomplished what I could not. They both just signed up for an OW course in March!

I think her seeing how much I enjoyed my classes and diving over the last couple months softened her up, and now her friend gave the knock out blow. Though I told her to not worry about the money and don't feel bad if she backs out at any point. I told her if she ever feels uncomfortable to just call off the dive, no worries.

She's even agreed to try diving in Puget Sound. My wife doesn't like to be cold, AT ALL, so it'll be interesting to see how she likes it.

Hmm, but now if I sneak out and buy a new scuba toy, she'll be wise to me when we go diving. :( Could get expensive, I'll have to buy 2 of everything now.

I'm excited to be able to share this with her. Now I just have to get my skills up to snuff so I can be a good buddy for her. :)
Yep....and one you can give CPR to and know where that mouth has been !!
Very cool. Now you have no excuse not to go diving a bunch before she gets certified. You can tell her that you need to get better so she can feel safe with you. AOW and a Rescue class shoud be a no problem.

Best call Howard Sandroff and see if he'll give you a discount on two 21 HID's.

Oh and start training your son on how to drive a boat. That way you'll have a live boat driver and won't need a baby sitter. :wink:
Also invite her to come and hang out with us the next time you diving. She'll feel even more apart of your world, see how nice, competent and full of great advise we all are. Spending money shouldn't be a problem then. BTW - interest rates are low so you can refinance your house to buy all the gear that the two of you will need.
Last time I pushed to get my wife involved she burst into tears. I think I pushed her over the edge when I told her that if she really loved me she would learn to dive with me. At least she'll snorkel with me (in tropical waters). I'm still working on her, though... although now I try to be a little more subtle :)

So, let's see.

First she'll ease into you with a trip to Mexico. . .

Then Honduras, take a short break and it's off to Austrialia mates.

You didn't think this was going to be cheap did you?!!

Now you two don't have to wonder what to spend your money on. :eyebrow:

Congratulations, I hope all goes well. :thumb:

DeepDog :cheers:
Last time I pushed to get my wife involved she burst into tears. I think I pushed her over the edge when I told her that if she really loved me she would learn to dive with me.


Oh thats the wrong thing to say, your fired!

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