Offshore Dive Adventures\ Incident Saturday During GJKFT

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Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
# of dives
25 - 49
Hey guys,

I was reading this on another message board and I feel like I need to bring this to our attention of a poor dive operation in Jacksonville.

InterMedia Outdoors Forums: Offshore Dive Adventures\ Incident Saturday During GJKFT

Ok fellows, I was the one involved in this incident. I was trying to post the facts of the incident the first chance I got, but it seems you good people beat me to it. Ya'll are all awesome, particulary no peekin and the capt/crew of the boat 'Lickity Split' out of St. Augustine (nice wrap job of the wahoo and dolphin) as both of the Captains of these boats, B.J. Pearson and Job Bennett stepped up to offer witness information. I will give an exact recount of the incident and leave it up to the court of public opinion to debate.

I was participating in the GJKT this weekend. My fishing buddy, Larry Ridley, and I were trolling for kings in the Elton Bottom area. After 3 hook ups were negated by sharks, the bite seemed to turn off around 1100 hrs. As a result, Larry and I decided to begin bottom fishing to at least take home some fish for dinner. We began drift fishing (although the current was slight, so I was able to hold on the location quite easily) a patch of live bottom for quite some time catching nice football sized beeliners and a beautiful African Pompano. After about a half hour, th Yellowfin Lickty Split pulls up and I was happy to share our bounty down below--I even told him how the school of African Pompano looked on the depth finder. Anyway, we were excited to load up on our limit of fish, when all of a sudden, out of the east the boat 'Offshore Dive Charters' Captained by overweight and obese Dan Lindley out of Jacksonville Beach, Fl cell number 904 463 3236 (feel free to express yourself to this guy) email, pulls up directly on our location. The capt. immediately deploys a yellow marker, then emerges from the helm, jumps down to the cockpit/swim platform and down goes a fishing line and a diver or two while his other divers suit up replete with harpoons (no dive flag was deployed that I saw, just the yellow milk jug). As you good fisherman could imagine, the episode and arrogance was quite disturbing. Not only was I fishing that exact loaction, but there were NUMEROUS GJKT boats trolling around the area. Nevertheless, Larry and I whispered some expletives under our breaths and I reassured Larry when visions of divers swimming around raping the reef danced through his head. We continued to hold position when the capt turned about and headed straight at us. He continued his course directly toward my rig until I saw the whites of his eyes. Because I was trolling and participating in the tourny, I had my outriggers deployed. It never occurred to me that 'Offshore Dive Charters' would intentionally attempt to run me down in order to bully me out of the spot. However, that is exactly what he did--in a surly, arrogant, and definat tone, he yelled down from his helm to "move out of the way." Before I could even react, he collided with my port outriggers causing them to bend towards the stern. The outrigger entangled with his vessel's apparatus including a fishing pole which could have impaled a diver down below in the cockpit. I yelled some colorful words at this clown and his reply was a smug, "well, you weren't anchored." Aside from this guy intentionally damaging my property (the outrigger is inoperative), he could have seriously hurt someone out there. As you all have pointed out, deploying divers at a location where numerous vessels were trolling all around and my boat was clearly bottom fishing was gross negligence on its face. However, the negligence is the least of this guys problem since his actions were Unmistakenly intenional and criminal. He effectively knocked me out of the tournament and caused us great distress. Larry and I addressed the damaged outrigger the best we could and made a B-line to the USCG station in Mayport. I docked and the guys who met me were professional and sympathetic. They alerted the Coast Guard marine investigations unit, called the game wardens and Kingfish base GJKT. The game wardens arrived and took our written statements. Much to my non-surprise, this guy is known to law enforcement as he has apparently had prior run-ins with the wardens under negative circumstances. Anyway, I was informed by law enforcement that Offshore Dive Charters Capt. will face state and federal inquiry. Furthermore, this Capt's outrageous actions has caused me a variety of damages. I will be demanding monetary restitution and if he does not comply, then the wheels of the civil judicial system will begin turning for this idiot (unluckily for Capt. Ding Dong, I am a law school graduate). He is unsafe, grossly negligent, criminal and used terrible judgment yesterday. Therefore, he must face the consequences of his actions. Larry made a sobering point to me when we were talking back at the dock---I told Larry that we all have to abide by rules and conduct ourselves prudently (if we didn't then I would have swam over to his vessel and jerked a knot in this guys @$$). As a response, Larry said, "yea, Rob, but some rules and conduct are just easy." What a common sense response, Larry. Maybe Capt Charlatan should contact Larry for some common sense advice, because clearly he is bankrupt in that dept.
Guys, I'm just a dude who works hard, kind to my neighbors, father to my son and LOVES fishing and my NEW boat that I work so hard for (just got it 2 weeks ago- 28' CC)). This inconsiderate selfish dive boat Capt clearly has no regard for anyone but himself. He deserves every ounce of what he gets. Sorry if this rendition was too long, but I think the story needed to be told from the mouth of the Capt who was at the recieving end of this guys arrogance. What do you guys think

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