Official ScubaBoard Greeter

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'Official' wouldn't fit..but you are official Don.
WTG, Don! :thumb: I like my buggies to have wheels that roll smoothly! :D
'The Greeter' pay is slightly under the Moderator start saving for your retirement now.

Paid? We get paid?! All I got was this fershtunken decoder ring....

Well done, Don. Put us in your favourties and check in often.

Kidding! Don. Don?! Hey... put down that dive knife!! :eek:
Paid? We get paid?! All I got was this fershtunken decoder ring....

LOL Submariner.
Don gets the ring when he figures out if you're a man or a woman. :winky:
LOL Submariner.
Don gets the ring when he figures out if you're a man or a woman. :winky:

Picutre: Diver in pink dry suit? Obviously a woman? Nope, I'm wearing a pink cap and shirt at work today.

And the correct answer is: Doesn't matter! ;)
And the correct answer is: Doesn't matter! ;)

Wow Don! I'm impressed. That is the perfect answer from the perfect SB Greeter. Looks like the right man got the job!
I'm envious!
WTG Don! Congrats. I believe you are the ONE and ONLY ONE with a title/distinction as an offical greeter here on SB!

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