Oct. 18, 2015 Stains Point (Trial Island, Victoria) photos/report

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Getting swept away by the current here wouldn't have been fatal, but it would have been embarrassing and probably reported in the local news. I can picture myself floating under a SAR helicopter with a rescue swimmer being lowered and I'm trying to act casual saying "Hey, how's it going. No, I'm alright, just swimming for Clover Point, but thanks for coming out..."
Seems you saw just a small part of Stains Pt. Would this be possibly a good spot for a drift dive ... and a live boat of course?
The part I dove was the steepest, deepest, most-exposed to current area at the tip of the point. I was hoping that would mean I was seeing the area with the most marine life. It's possible there might be some better areas nearby with more marine life, but I wouldn't expect it. It would be an interesting place to explore over several dives with a live boat, but conditions here mean you couldn't just show up casually.

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