Oceanlog - you do not have an appropriate license

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Cronulla, Australia
# of dives
25 - 49
I have been having problems getting Oceanlog to run on MS Vista. I have downloaded the latest beta release being Oceanlog 2.1.4 beta 2. It does seem to install however get the following error when executing programme:
"You do not have an approprate license to use this functionality."
Anyone got any ideas.
I also had this probelm and after reading some of the posts in the Oceanlog I did the following.

Disable UAC (User acount control) under USERS in the Control Panel
Dont restart you computer
Oceanlog should starup correctly
I the activated UAC again with Oceanlog still running (although I dont know if it was nessasary to keep it running)
I havent had the message appear again.

Hope this works for you
I don't beleive it is the UAC settings as this is already disabled. Any other suggestions.
It seems that some people have to switch it on and other have to switch it off, it does not really make any sence. Maybe just changing the setting from what ever you currently have does the trick.

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