Oceanic GEO shortcoming

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I recently purchased a GEO and have used it a few times now. I like it a lot for scuba... but, it is not my preference for freediving. As nice an instrument as the GEO is, it's really a shame that it can't display depth/time of a freedive that you just surfaced from. It should be able to show log/history info for freedives similar as it does for scuba on the watch itself (without having to connect to a PC.) I strongly recommend that Pelagic/Oceanic/Aeris (whoever makes it) incorporate that capability on future models.
The GEO does provide maximum depth and elapsed time of the previous dive. Once reaching the surface, press and hold the Advance (lower left) button for 2 seconds.

A complete log of the day's free dives are not stored on the unit, and may only be accessed via the OceanLog PC Interface.

Thanks for the info. Somehow I overlooked that in the Operating Manual. That will help a lot. But, I wish it would store more at least a day's history for recall.

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