Before you make a significant investment in new gear...
Are you committed to deco diving or is this course more exploratory for you? The answer to this might determine how much money you want to spend on gear for the course vs making do/borrowing/renting gear.
Totally committed, no doubts about it.

I would use your new doubles instead of a pony and dedicate the al40 as a 50% deco bottle (o2 cleaned)
If for some reason you are doing the course in an H valve...
I would get a set of proper doubles and still keep the al40 as a deco bottle.
I dive double AL80s on deeper dives but I don't like lugging them around for 60' dives. But I still want to keep a regular pony because I sometimes dive instabuddy and I don't trust instabuddies when it comes to reserve air. Some of the people I've been paired up with will make you go