Was just too nice outside to work and I've been traveling, pulling in late hours so decided to get out and dive. Only downside was had a conf. call at 11 so planed surface interval to take care of some business. When got there, the wind was about 10 -15 knots from NE. About a 1 1/2 after high tide. Small wind caps. Looked at water looked very clear so suited up. Dive 1, in at 9:32 AM. 45 min. max depth 72, water temps at depth 50 - 51. Great dive. went to other side island, looking through crevices, lots of bugs
Did my standing 11:00 weekly call which I lead. Looked like an idiot on phone with headseat, pad paper in wetsuit. People on call kept asking if anyone heard seagulls in background.
Conditions were better by mid day than AM as winds died down and seas got flat. No surge
Dive 2 in at 11:56, 38 min dive. Pretty much repeat of Dive 1. 68 fsw max depth Coming back, saw Torpedo ray burrowed in sand. Great vis on both dives.
Enjoyed overpriced post dive Fox Burger and Frappe.
Did my standing 11:00 weekly call which I lead. Looked like an idiot on phone with headseat, pad paper in wetsuit. People on call kept asking if anyone heard seagulls in background.
Conditions were better by mid day than AM as winds died down and seas got flat. No surge
Dive 2 in at 11:56, 38 min dive. Pretty much repeat of Dive 1. 68 fsw max depth Coming back, saw Torpedo ray burrowed in sand. Great vis on both dives.
Enjoyed overpriced post dive Fox Burger and Frappe.