This is the DIR forum. Isn't there a DIR answer to this question?
I can't believe it depends on team mates' personalities and preferences. Does not sound very DIR that it depends on nature of the dive or each individual's (separate) analysis of the level of the dive in question either when one is training for other responses to carry over all conditions.
Imo, as each individual's diving progresses, they figure out what's really important on a dive and what isn't. If a new diver hopped in the water with a partially full tank and couldn't quickly translate that in to Time at Depth, then I could see referring the question to a more experienced diver.
But Lynne isn't brand new. She made the (correct) calculation that 1500psi in a hauss tank is enough to complete the dive and maintain the safety reserve that we all agree on (rock bottom, min gas, call it what you like).
If some sort of "emergency" happens, do all the divers in the team look at the so called dive leader for orders before acting because he has some super knowledge of everyone's status? I certainly hope not.