Note to anyone who is on the national "Do not call" list in the US

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drbill once bubbled...
Ber Rabbit- what a disgusting scam, so typical of the "business" world. But then why expect anything ethical from an activity that is essentially amoral (a-ethical) and whose only purpose is to make money. Ethical behavior is exhibited by individual business owners and workers but too seldom by corporate entities these days.

Look at the news today... Enron and WorldCom's top corporate officers, responsible for stealing money from thousands of human beings, may not even have charges filed against them! What kind of a society have we evolved into? If a poor black or Hispanic steals a few hundred dollars to feed their family (NOT to buy drugs), they're tossed in jail. As far as I'm concerned the white collar criminals deserve to be tortured to death (and I'm a pacifist).

By the way Ber Rabbit... do you dibe in heels too? You look absolutely awesome and I'd enjoy becoming your kelp forest dive buddy if your inner self is as nice as your outer self. Your mileage may vary. Another shameless suggestion from...

Dr. Bill

Unfortunatly your government is funded by corporate America.. If they did impose the same laws the rest of us have to follow onto CEO types, I can imaging their biggest source of political funding would dry up pretty quick. ;)

P.S This post contains 67% of your recomended daily intake of bitterness :D
Lets not forget that "Corporate America" funds many of our diving habits.

While I agree that spam and many other advertising techniques are disgusting, not all in the corporate world are evil!

Remember, Profit is NOT a bad word.


P.S. Usually I tell telemarketers that I'll get back to them, then I hang up. :mean:
Thanks for the backup, for a minute there I thought I was going to have to PM myself a warning :)

Drowned Rat:
How do you think I feel when I get the "enlarge your member" emails? Ummmm, WHAT member?

No hard feelings here :)

No diving in heels for me, too cold to dive in Ohio with "bare" feet :D

Let's see, my inner self. Well, you could ask around in the Kentucky Pirahna Patrol section some of them have met me. Diving Gal spent a week on vacation on Saba with my husband and I so she'd be a good person to ask. My sister says I'm one of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet--until you make me angry (not usually very easy to do).

Safe diving to all and to all a good night!
Ber :bunny:
Ber Rabbit once bubbled...
How do you think I feel when I get the "enlarge your member" emails? Ummmm, WHAT member?

Most definatly a female and quite attractive at that ;)

I always wandered if it also made your hands bigger. Easy to tell who's using it. Look for the diver that needs XXXXXL gloves :D

This scam although a new twist has been around for years. Used to be you would sign up for a drawling for something but what you actually did is change your long distance provider :upset:

Have fun with telemarketers :D Start asking them about there family, where they grew up, if they find there job rewarding!
I have 6 DIFFERENT phone numbers not including cell phones.

After so many calls every day - I decided to take it to a new level and make a sport out of it. How long can you keep them on the phone? One guy got so mad at me after 10 minutes that he called me an idiot after I asked so many questions then hung up.

That company never called again - revenge is sweet !:out:
I got a phone with a tela zaper built in and it seams to have helped I get far less calls.

When they call I try and keep them on as long as I can and be as abusive as I can. I alwas insist that they hang up then tell them how stupid they are when they don't. Often I'll make strange noises in the phone as loud as I can and carry on like a raging lunitic. It's loads of fun. I figure if I can have fun and torture the folks that try and make a living this way at least I get a bit of revenge.

As for spam I just try and filter out the IP adress or setup a rule to del it right away. If you respond all it does is make it worse. If you realy get bent by it you can look and find out who the ISP is that the orginal email was sent from and send an email to them. This will usualy cause the most damage to a spamer.
GeekDiver once bubbled...
I got a phone with a tela zaper built in and it seams to have helped I get far less calls.

When they call I try and keep them on as long as I can and be as abusive as I can. I alwas insist that they hang up then tell them how stupid they are when they don't. Often I'll make strange noises in the phone as loud as I can and carry on like a raging lunitic. It's loads of fun. I figure if I can have fun and torture the folks that try and make a living this way at least I get a bit of revenge.

As for spam I just try and filter out the IP adress or setup a rule to del it right away. If you respond all it does is make it worse. If you realy get bent by it you can look and find out who the ISP is that the orginal email was sent from and send an email to them. This will usualy cause the most damage to a spamer.

No need to be abusive - they are just trying to do a job (As unpleasant as it is) :( Just have have fun with them :)

I've had fun with HVAC contractors wanting to sell me a service contract since I live in FL. I tell them I like the heat. The hotter the better, but my dog sure does smell. :fork:

Start talking about how he lost a leg to a gator so now we call him tripod :D It only gets worse from there.

How about the guy willing to get you a better rate on your mortgage. Tell him you just won the $80 milion dollar lottery so you paid yours off as well as a few of your friendly neighbors...........

You get the idea :-)

As for e-spam I use a free program called mailwasher <> Bounce the e-mail right back.
Usually, when they call me I try to have fun with them. It goes kinda like this...
Telemarketer - Hi I'm calling with a great offer and..
Me - So what's your name
Telemarketer - (whatever), let me tell you about...
Me - So, (whatever) watcha wearin?
Telemarketer - Click

Free phone sex is great
Backtanner once bubbled...
Usually, when they call me I try to have fun with them. It goes kinda like this...
Telemarketer - Hi I'm calling with a great offer and..
Me - So what's your name
Telemarketer - (whatever), let me tell you about...
Me - So, (whatever) watcha wearin?
Telemarketer - Click

Free phone sex is great

Me - I just got out of the shower so I'm naked & my hands are full now but you have a hot voice - followed by heavy breathing.
Telemarketer - CLICK :D

I wish I had recorded some of the bits I've done - would make a good comedy record. Jeff Foxworthy does phone. :out:
You know the state, you can have a full blown conversation, roll back over and go to sleep and remember NOTHING about talking to someone until something triggers your subconscious.

I was at work and my partner mentioned getting a phone call that woke him up, suddenly I remembered what I had done!

Telemarketer: Hi!

Me (in a desperate voice): You can't tie up this line I have divers in the water

Telemarketer: Is this a business?

Me: No, I have divers in the water and they need to use this line to contact me.

Telemarketer: Ummmm

Me: You have to get off this line, if something happens to the divers they won't be able to reach me.

Telemarketer: Ummm, ok, have a nice day.


When I remembered what I had done I just thought "Oh my gosh! That woman must have thought I was a raving lunatic!" HEHEHEHEE! It was weird, I had absolutely no recollection of the call until my partner mentioned the phone. However as my husband can tell you it's not unusual for me to talk in my sleep and be convincing enough to make you think I'm awake, eyes open and all. Only the subject matter makes no sense!
Ber :bunny:

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