I have made perhaps 75 - 100 dives over the years on the reef right in front of Buddy Dive - Lion's Dive - Capt. Don's and haven't had a boring one yet.Grajan once bubbled...
but I have been a little put off by the reports here that it is all very similar.
So I'm a little confused...
Of course they're similar - if by similar you mean they're all under water and teeming with life and you'll see something you've never seen before on every dive if you look.
I wouldn't concern myself with "must do" dives on a first trip to Bonaire. While my personal favorite at this instant is Karpata, (aside from the Windjammer but that ain't a "recreational" dive) I haven't been able to find a bad dive off Bonaire yet!
Oh, now it's "Forest"
Or "Small Wall"
Or "Thousand Steps"
Dammmm, I want to go there *now*! Anyone want to take me along?
No, Red Slave... or Hilma Hooker... or Alice & Wonderland... or...