North Country Diving

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Tallahasse FL
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0 - 24
I'm a student at Clarkson University and am starting to get into diving. At this point in time I'm wanting to find out what my options are for diving for the next couple of years until I graduate and move elsewhere for grad school. I'm aware that there is a dive shop in Massena but they don't appear to have a web-site and I haven't had a chance to call them yet. Does anyone know any information about diving in this winter-wonderland :p
The North Country diving is very nice. The St. Lawrence, as you probably already know has no thermoclines; therefore, if the water at the surface is 73 degrees then you will have that at depth. The dive shops up North in Massena, Watertown, Alexandria Bay are helpful. I do not do much business with them except occasional air fills, but they seem nice. As for sites and locations to dive I am always trying to get up North to dive, so feel free to come with our group anytime. We just did a nice shore dive in Alexandria Bay on the wreck "Islander". As for diving in the North, the St. Lawrence tends to stay at decent temps through October. If you plan to dive all year round then consider a dry-suit.

If you are interested we are going out on a charter this Saturday 7/30 to do the
"Keystorm" and the "America" wrecks. Our group has the boat for the trip. Its $65 for the trip.

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