Current we don't have a partner to get to FLL. It is easy to purchase a ticket to FLL from most airlines. We have done research and people from the north, east and midwest should easily be able to obtain a r/t ticket on a discount airline (e.g., spirit air, jetblue, SW, Americawest and other local smaller airlines. We need to start small in order not to saturate the market. Right now going out of FLL is the best bet. We found that smaller airlines are charging $200.00 or less for r/t fares to FLL so the charges will be less than $700.00 total (or about) r/t from let's say the NJ/NY area to Bonaire. The individual will be responsible for the ticket from whereever they fly from to FLL. It's not going to be that expensive.
Once we are settled, we will post a website that is currently under development where you will be able to book packages online which will include the airfare, or if seats are available, airfare alone.
If you are interested in packages I suggest you contact me privately and I will give you our Travel Agency in the US. I will post it publicly as soon as I contact them and get permission to do so. Thanks.
Once we are settled, we will post a website that is currently under development where you will be able to book packages online which will include the airfare, or if seats are available, airfare alone.
If you are interested in packages I suggest you contact me privately and I will give you our Travel Agency in the US. I will post it publicly as soon as I contact them and get permission to do so. Thanks.