Non-diving headache, shoulder-ache

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San Francisco, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
This is a non-diving medical issue, but thought I'd ask just the same. So please - up front - I have not been diving in over 2 weeks and don't equate any of my symptoms to DCS, etc. Now, with that out of the way. This morning I woke up with a bit of a headache around the temple on the leftside of my head. Just recently (within 4 hours) the pain has slightly radiated/pulsed down into my shoulder, above the clavical and into the shoulder joint. Waxing and waning.

Is there a nerve or set of muscles that I can massage or anything to help ease this? Thanks in advance.
Just because your profile said that you worked in the law profession, I would recommend a neurology eval, psychiatric eval, a CT scan, MRI, colonoscopy, EGD, and just in case, a stress test and cardiac echocardiogram.

Did I forget something else?? Oh, yeh, and a rectal exam...

Can't help you, but I can make you laugh!
Just because your profile said that you worked in the law profession, I would recommend a neurology eval, psychiatric eval, a CT scan, MRI, colonoscopy, EGD, and just in case, a stress test and cardiac echocardiogram.

Did I forget something else?? Oh, yeh, and a rectal exam...

Can't help you, but I can make you laugh!

Oh my! that's quite a list of evaluative services. :) Esp the psych eval. Not sure about the rectal though. Could they be related? If my head is up my you-know-what, as it very well might be, you are probably right - it's necessary. :) thanks for the laughs.
I don't know about you, but I've gotten pain in my left temple, left occipital, left shoulder, left deltoid, and left chest. All from swimming.

It is funny, if I were to do a long breath hold while on the treadmill, my headache is really pounding bad - only 20 to 30 seconds.

There are pressure point for massaging, and we were taught some of these by my osteopathic colleages in residency. My guess is you probably can google them and have your friend or husband perform them. There are diagrams of these points - for tension headaches and fibromyalgia. Probably can be found in both the osteopathic and chiropractic literatures...
Hi Sarita!!! I like fisherdvm's advice on the chiropractic.....long story. But sounds like my neck (although not quite as dramatic since I had some spot you are holding a lot of tension in your neck, you can easily get headaches and the pain that radiates.

Simple thing for you to try. And it's absolutely heavenly and blissful. Go get a massage. Let the therapist know your aches. (which reminds me, I'm due for a massage :) )
......if you are holding a lot of tension in your neck, you can easily get headaches and the pain that radiates.

Simple thing for you to try. And it's absolutely heavenly and blissful. Go get a massage. Let the therapist know your aches. (which reminds me, I'm due for a massage :) )

It is all the evilness of being in the law profession. I would recommend that you quit practicing law, join a cloistered monastary, and pray for all the people that get sued everyday. I'll guarantee that your headache will go away.
I am right on that! Actually, before I went to college, I lived in a "monastary" type situation. Isn't that enough? And I actually do good things with my law degree (asylum), not suing people. Its all better this AM - I think it was just a bit of stress at the work place yesterday.

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