No Solo diving at Blue Grotto

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Interesting. I was under the apparently mistaken impression they only opened it up for special purposes, like mapping, research, maintenance, or for special guests.

I was told you just have to find a guide, and when the cave isn't silted up as they pump water from the BG cavern into the cave.
I appreciate that they laid out their thinking on the subject; too many don't. Looking at their listing:

1.) It's a local standard of practice? Not a good basis; not everyone is a lemming. If solo diving is prohibited in a blanket fashion at Florida state parks, that's something that ought to change, not be duplicated.

2.) Solo training doesn't cover solo diving in caverns. Okay, if most of the diving there is cavern diving (is it?), that makes sense when relying on a recreational solo cert. Then again, OW training takes place there, and that's obviously not cavern diving.

3.) Too many solo divers 'fail to follow the rules.' It's worth noting that 'rules' required in a course tend to become recommendations when certified adults head out to dive on their own. Not binding rules/laws.

4.) It sets a poor example. Oh, I'm sorry, does diving not looking like a bubble wrapped lemming set a 'poor example' for OW students who might look over and see you solo diving? And OW instructors shouldn't have to explain that? Perish forbid they find out solo divers exist.

Then they close saying buddy diving is the norm for recreational divers, it's what you learned as a beginner, it's the standard they follow.

Perish forbid you might've grown and changed since your OW course. Where we also learned it was recommended we not go over 60 feet deep.

So, out of all that, I see one item that looks persuasive (and the one item may be good enough). The rest reads like grossly over conservative 'Big Brother' overreach and a tad condescending.

Wonder how much of this is really fear of lawyers?

Their hole of water, their rules. Perhaps a few more people will choose not to be their customers.
I've been to blue grotto one time.... Between their prices and the dude running the fill station being a grade A pr!ck to me and my dive buddy, they weren't going to see another dollar of mine anyway. From what I saw, the "explanations" they give are unsurprising.


Wonder how much of this is really fear of lawyers?
Let me fix that for you...........Insurance Premiums/coverage
Then they close saying buddy diving is the norm for recreational divers, it's what you learned as a beginner, it's the standard they follow.

Perish forbid you might've grown and changed since your OW course. Where we also learned it was recommended we not go over 60 feet deep.
Nice argument, Richard. In fact, with all the divers in Blue Grotto basin at any given time, doing all kinds of things, from OW classes to checking out new gear, to just goofing around, there must be MANY things going on there that might be puzzling to a beginner. Solo diving is the least of it. Why is that guy doing a handstand on the platform? And should we really be feeding that turtle? I thought I was told in my OW course that feeding animals is controversial?

I think you guys are correct that it's about insurance/lawyers.
There is no cave* to dive at Blue Grotto, so there are no cave divers. As far as I know, even if one is a certified cave diver, the normal practice is to show some flavor of OW card at the desk, not the cave card.

*There IS a cave on the property, but it isn't open to the general public.
Thats what I was referring to.
I swear I have seen people doing OW DPV dives there before (or at least a "try out tech gear" kind of demo day, where DPV's were involved)... but when I called, they said they don't allow it, with or without a card. The only possible exception would be something like a weekday where there was NO ONE else there but you and your buddy, both certified and having possession of your scooter at the time... and even then it was a maybe.
BG on any given weekend has tons of students in the water, not sure how they are gonna be able to keep track during the melee.
BG on any given weekend has tons of students in the water, not sure how they are gonna be able to keep track during the melee.

But, they will not allow you to check in by yourself. This was so before their posted policy.
At least, this has been my experience.

Meh they are closed now for 'maintenance' and into this weekend.

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