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Buffalo NY
I used all 27 pics of a disposable underwater camera taking pics of the sea lions as I clean their pool at an aquarium. Some of the pics were taken with me and the lions OUT of the water.. I was so dissappointed when I picked up my film from developing that NONE of the pics had turned out at all . I got nothing....WHY?
how the *&*$ should WE know!!??

did you have the camera pointed the right way ( ie not backwards?), did you press the shutter release? did you have your finger over the lens??

post a sample.
I think what JC is so charmingly trying to say is you didn't give us any information to go on as to why your pics didn't come out.

Although my first thoughts are 1) it's a cheap disposable so how much did you expect and 2) few of us, if any, use disposables so why do you think we would know and 3) you need to be talking to the place you bought it.
Hi LilJoRt6,

It's true, it would be necessary to know a few things before diagnosing your problem.

If you look at the negatives, are they clear with no tone variations - all the way to the edges of the sprocket holes? If so, then it would appear that the shutter didn't open.

If there are shadows at all on the negatives - then they might all be under-exposed - you didn't have enough light - and the lab's automatic equipment bypassed them.

When you say they didn't come out, it could mean lots of things - like nothing was recorded on the film - or they were just "bad"... - blurry, etc, and the lab didn't print them.

So, though the other response was not very nice - I guess he's making the point that unless you can show us or describe to us more about the negatives or pictures (if any were printed), it's impossible to say.
hi g8----thanks for being respectful. The negatives showed absolutely nothing, so I think you may have answered my question. There definately was enough light, and even a disposable camera should work under those I think
maybe I didn't put enough pressure on the button to open the shudder. As it was my first attempt, I think maybe I should buy another and try again. Can't justify spending mucho dinero on an underwater camera until I can master a cheap one!
Aloha LilJoRt6,
There is no mastering a disposable camera as there is little or no quality to them. Don't get frustrated with them so as to deter you from buying a real camera.
You know how after you take the picture, and wind the knob, it stops, and it's ready to take a new picture. It won't wind anymore until you click the shutter again. When you DO click the shutter again, it releases the winding mech, and you wind to the next frame. So, if you were clicking and winding, it probably didn't have anything to do with pressing hard enough.

If this happens again, I'd keep the receipt and ask for a replacement. As Gilligan said - these are too simple to mess up - no skill involved. I don't even think it'll let you wind it the wrong way.

Good luck.
I just used one of those, and every frame came out. If the neg was compleatly clear, well, sounds like a malfunction or operator error.

What brand was it? The 'good' Fuji seems to give the best results. (I work in a lab from time to time)
Just a note of caution. I went through quite a few of the disposable cameras and all when traced back were manufacture defects. (5 in all). They did replace them each time but it was not worth the hassel in the end. I got a used 35mm for next to nothing and now have a digital to go along with it. If you intend to follow photography you can purchase cameras off the shelf that can either take pictures above or below the sea. So long term you will get your monies worth even if you don't use it for diving.


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