no one wants to dive with a newbie!

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Some of us have no compunctions or reservations whatsoever about diving with "newbies". I was a newbie once.

the K
No problem here. I agree with wildive4food and I have over 700 dives logged and enjoy each and every one of them, newbee or not.
I think there are many people that would be happy to dive with you. I'd even be glad to tow you around with my scooter if you're ever in Fla.

So as a new diver, remember that no one likes to baby sit unless they are getting paid. If you're excited and a safe diver, I'm sure you'll have no issues finding dive buddies unless the other person has plans for something beyand what you're ready for (e.g. deep dive or long dive on nitrox or sprint swimming around a wreck).

But if we're just floating along a reef, jump on in. And also remember that you can always hang with the dive master as you increase your experience.

Don't despair. Before long you'll have a list of friends to go dive with. :)
I would much rather dive with a new diver than one who has been everywhere done it all and won't pay attention to their buddy, has lousy skills and a big mouth.
One way of getting some more experience is to ask your instructor if you can "tag along" on a class dive. As a certified-diver you would be another set of "eyes" for the instructor, perhaps a welcome addition if they have a large group and no assistant or dive-master. I've seen folks do this at my LDS. It might be a little boring to watch the group do basic skills, but its a dive and an opportunity to get wet (and to meet future dive buddies too).
As long as a newbie diver is safe, I have no problem diving with them and coming up early if they use air faster.....everyone was new at one time.
I do not read your local area subforum on ScubaBoard, but if it is anything like our Florida Conch Diver forum, someone is always planning a dive outing. Start posting to those in your local forum asking if the various dives are suitable for you as a new diver, and I would bet that you will get more offers to buddy up than you know what to do with. All of my current dive buddies are people that I have met through ScubaBoard. If you are safety minded and willing to learn, you will soon have no problem getting a dive buddy on short notice.
On the contrary, some of us love to dive with new divers. There is nothing like watching the ear to ear grin on a new diver's face as he/she leaves the water. :fruit:

I agree totally with Marvel. If anything it's an honor to swim with a new diver, to have the opportunity to enjoy their thrill at seeing and learning something new. It's like showing someone an entirely new world, a new way of life. Look for divers who are eager to help you - you will learn a lot more.
Hey - I'll dive with anyone as long as they're safe :)
Then again - I'm a noob too

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