"Almost to a one,“ seems to me, a qualifier and about as clear ”as an azure sky of deepest summer"-- and it's great that you seem to found some measurable benefit that I have never experienced.I'm 6 foot 2 inches full clothed weight 180 pounds and I notice benefits of using nitrox.
So am I in your walking heart attack can't get up from the seat stereotype?
A friend, who now swears by nitrox seems largely incapable or even unwilling to correlate his recent stoppage of a thirty-plus year habit of chain-smoking unfiltered Canadian cigarettes, to his new-found comfort and longevity while diving EAN.
I just don't think that it's really necessary to drop US 110.00 on a nitrox 32 air-card, for what many still view as a highly profitable though largely placebo effect . . .