It will be covered in depth in your nitrox class - but there are essentially 2 ways nitrox is "made" - either a set nitrox mix is delivered down the fill whip (ie the stuff coming out the end is the nitrox mix you are after - this could either be from a pre-mixed bank, from a membrane system or from a low-pressure blending stick) or by partial pressure blending - in PP blending, O2 is decanted directly into the cylinder, then it is topped with air to make the mix you require. So since 100% O2 is passing through the valve on the tank - that means your tank needs to be O2 cleaned. Basically - unless PP blending using O2 (or blending using a banked nitrox mix greater than 40% oxygen), your tank does not need to be clean. If your tank is O2 clean, you also need to make sure that if you get it filled, it is filled with O2 safe air, because if it's not, then your O2 clean tank becomes not O2 clean - which can have disastrous consequences to the poor guy who next tries to blend in your tank..