All you do?spurtill once bubbled...
As for filling your own Nitrox. all you do is oder a cylinder of O2 and buy the whip to connect it to your bottle. Put the O2 required in the bottle and top it up with air from a normal filter.
Please don't just run out and buy an oxygen whip and start filling bottles. Do some homework first.
In addition to cleanliness, flow rates are critical.
Just opening the valve too fast can cause combustion where otherwise there would be none.
Y'all may think I am chicken little... I have a vision that won't go away - a young sailor who looks like he was dipped in plastic, no hair, no ears, no nose, no eyelids, gasping, groaning, beyond screams, dying in agony, knowing we could do nothing for him. He'd been at the oxygen farm for years, knew it all, just got a little careless once too often.
You can get away with things like (as a specific example) cleaning and reusing buna o-rings previously lubed with silicone (which penetrates) for years before the combination of residual hydrocarbons and just enough adiabatic heating reach out and touch you, but considering the consequences if you are the one there for that one in a zillion event, why not just use new ones?
Yes, you can do your own cleaning; you can do your own mixing; you can do your own equipment prep and maintenance. You can even build your own whips and manifolds and other stuff. None of it is difficult and none of it is rocket science. But cut corners and you will eventually get burned.
I say again, trifle with oxygen at your own peril.