How much do you all trust the nitrox analyzers that dive ops around the world make available?
My experience in Cozumel a few years ago convinced me I should always bring my own analyzer. I had requested four nitrox tanks, one for each of the four divers in my group. The morning of the dive, the four tanks were delivered and the DM had already analyzed them. They were all supposed to be 32%, and he told me that he confirmed they were.
I took out my analyzer and started to test them myself; he protested... I think he was kind of offended because he was doing his best to deliver what he thought was "customer service" and I wasn't acknowledging it. Unfortunately for him, two of the four tanks tested to 21%.
He insisted my analyzer was wrong, and showed me how his analyzer measured 32% for all four. I then had to show him that he wasn't calibrating his analyzer properly... he would test one 32% tank, then put the analyzer directly on the next tank (which was 21%). The analyzer would read the residual 32% gas still in the analyzer tube.
After the DM had been educated on proper analyzer use, he was able to confirm my readings of 21% for the two tanks. He then agreed to replace the tanks with two others.
Made me wonder... how many other "nitrox" tanks had been used by guests of that dive op that actually had normal air? Impossible to say... but I didn't see anyone else bringing their own analyzer and half of my "nitrox" tanks were wrong. Extrapolate from there.
The other part of this experience: the DM was not interested in making their analyzer available to guests. He seemed very adamant that he analyzed the tanks with the shop's analyzer and that was just the way they did it.