If you do get to Northern Eleuthera see if you can get to Current Cut. Just East of Current island. It's a fantastic Current dive (as one would have, i'm sure, guessed!
) It's about 45 foot deep max in a thin cut between two land masses. The current RIPS through there at the midtide. Wear a full suit in defense of knocks and scrapes. You'd need a safety sausage and prolly best to bring a whistle and signal mirror.
The way we did it was for the boat to drop us off just upsteam of the cut as the narrows cause the flow to pick up. Then drift (still manned!) through above us and collect us once the cut widens and the flow drops off again. (hence the sausage etc)
There are lots of cuts and hollows mid channel that one can "pull into" to get a brief break from the flow. In these you might expect to see shoals of rock fish and Nurse shark "sheltering".
To get out again dont try to swim in the direction of the current though. The Turbulent "back flow" will just pull you back into the hollow. Face up stream and launch yourself vertically up into the force of the flow and ride it out. Hold onto your mask :-O !!
Not a beginners dive and not for the faint of heart even then! But BLOODY good fun!
The more sedate and careful divers made it through three times on an Ally 80 tank 3300Psi. I only got two and a half "goes" coz i was laughing my ass off most of the time!
You cant really swim against the current due to it's force, you can use yourself as a sail to get about 45 degree motion accross it though. For the first "pass" you might consider hanging closer to the edge of the channel where the flow is less.
Really Really good fun!
Another good one in the area was the Arimoroa.
The ELEUTHERA Shipwreck Directory Bahamas Shipwrecks
A bit more broken up than discribed here but still a plethora of fish!!!