Night Dives in Coz

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Durham, CT. USA
I am interested in doing a night dive. Are most night dives from shore or by boat? Are you required to provide your own light or can you rent them? What is the best light to use on a night dive?
Thank you,
I am interested in doing a night dive. Are most night dives from shore or by boat? Are you required to provide your own light or can you rent them? What is the best light to use on a night dive?
Thank you,

Night dives in Cozumel are best by boat, although you can do them by shore. However, if you are a new diver and/or are unfamiliar with the site, I do not recommend doing a night dive by shore.

Flashlights can be rented through your Coz dive op, typically for $6 to $8.

A 4-C-cell light is sufficient and is what you will most likely get as a rental light. Just make sure it has fresh batteries. You should also havea back-up light. Good divemasters will carry spare lights on the dive as well.

Have fun.
I am interested in doing a night dive. Are most night dives from shore or by boat? Are you required to provide your own light or can you rent them? What is the best light to use on a night dive?
Thank you,

I agree with Christie, we have FABULOUS boat night dives, but.......we also have a really great SHORE night dive! Here at El Cid La Ceiba Hotel, in front is a sunken airplane that is home to a plethera of creatures! And the entire little reef line that runs from in front of Casa Del Mar to here at La Ceiba is a REALLY great night (and day for that matter too!) shore dive!
On a night you are not doing a boat dive, try this shore dive - you won't be sorry!!!
Have a great time!
I am interested in doing a night dive. Are most night dives from shore or by boat? Are you required to provide your own light or can you rent them? What is the best light to use on a night dive?
Thank you,

There is a pretty good spot to night dive from shore out in front (or back, depending on how you look at it) of Caribe Blu.

For lights, I use a fairly small 4 C cell light for the dive, and I carry a large, bright 4 D light for a backup and for any "situations" that might arise. I carry the large one on daylight dives for peering in crevices, too.
I was in Cozumel last April and we dove Paradise reef on a night dive it was ok, there were too many other people in the water. But as Holly said in front of El Cid the night dive there is excellant. It was the best night dive I have ever done. It was only 4 of us in the water and we all came up saying WOW! It is also a great day shore dive. Go by and see Holly and rent you a camera because you will want to record all the life you see. It truly was an amazing dive.
Dive Safe and Dive Often,
There aren't any bad places for night dives off Cozumel, in my opinions. Nearly all the dive providers have the right boats for the dive. HOWEVER, the first group I dove with all had those quackers and multiple lights (many left both of them on). We must have looked like a spaceship from duckland to other groups. I held back and saw many more critters than the group. In the future I will sound out the group and the divemaster before deciding. Take it easy and enjoy the ride.
There aren't any bad places for night dives off Cozumel, in my opinions. Nearly all the dive providers have the right boats for the dive. HOWEVER, the first group I dove with all had those quackers and multiple lights (many left both of them on). We must have looked like a spaceship from duckland to other groups. I held back and saw many more critters than the group. In the future I will sound out the group and the divemaster before deciding. Take it easy and enjoy the ride.

There's nothing wrong with taking a backup light. I use a small one during the dive, and I carry a big one that I have if I need it (usually I don't).
There's nothing wrong with taking a backup light. I use a small one during the dive, and I carry a big one that I have if I need it (usually I don't).

First I would like to thank everyone for there inputs.

Since I will be bringing my own gear, I thought I would bring my Helios 4.5 HID and my scout as a backup light. I just didn't know what would be used by various dive operators and wheather there would be any objection to either of these lights.

By the way what is a quacker?

I am interested in doing a night dive. Are most night dives from shore or by boat? Are you required to provide your own light or can you rent them? What is the best light to use on a night dive?
Thank you,

Nights dives are great in Coz but make sure you stay with the group because of currents. I did a nice night dive on Palancar Gardens 45/50 ft range. Lots to see.

Has anyone done the shore dive off Hotel Cozumel - right in front of the resort? I've done a check-out dive there and will do another checkout dive there when I get there. There are no currents there, as I remember? Anyone done it?
Over the years of shore diving in Cozumel two things that I have learned is to make sure "how strong the current is" and "What direction it is going". Don't take other people's opinion, take your mask, fins and snorkel and jump into the water to see the conditions.

The two most popular shore dive sites are the "Airplane wreck" in front of the the La Cieba Hotel ( don't know if that is still the name of the hotel) and the small reef that starts in front of Papa Hogs and goes all the way to Carib Blue (La Perla for you old timers). The advantage of setting up at the Carib Blue is the lack of boat traffic in the evening, and they have lights to suit up by , same can be said about Papa Hogs.

With the visibility in Cozumel you would be better off with a larger light with a wider beam. You can see more. Small back up lights usually have narrow beams for low, limited visibility, and a back up.

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