It was awesome being there with Two Gregs and Erika. I had to head out there to meet Erika since she "stole" my book I needed for my teaching job.
It was fun doing homework on the beach under a flashlight under the starry night with salty smelling breeze wheezing against my cheeks. I also enjoyed trying to spot where the divers are at by looking for their UW flashlights. One of the Gregs resurfaced and then descended. I don't know why. It seems they did have a good dive!
...Only if I could dive with them! =P Due to lack of having my own gear!
...just yet!
That was me Mario I was made dive leader (thanks Erika...:mooner....because I was "Theoretically" taking pics (I think out of 80 or so I got 2 semi decent ones... ) I lost my compadres at one point, and seeing we were shallow (10-15') I just surfaced to see where they were at.. was an incredibly relaxing and enjoyable dive Kicking out, the stars were fantastic. Nice and relaxed for sure. I was sorry that Mario wasn't able to join us. Overall.....a very...comfortable relaxed dive, with good folks We gotta hook up again Erika, Greg, and Mario . Thanks a bunch to Erika for sponsoring the dive!!! Unfortunatly Rick had some family in town and had to make a bee line home...One of these days Rick!!! We will dive together!